Let's talk 3D printers!

Yeah it’s on par with the X1C for price, but EU labour is more expensive that in China, and Prusa have invested a lot of money into Slicer development that everyone, including Bambu, benefit from.

The Mk4s pricing was completely insane considering it was a basic bed slinger, but the CoreOne seems very well thought through overall.

My only critiques are the camera system is rubbish compared to a Klipper printer, and it has no real AMS option.

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I have two FDM printers, one enclosed and one not, and the enclosure makes printing ABS and ASA much easier. It also cuts down some of the noise.

Fumes and adhesion/warping/ambient temp issues are the only reasons I'd try and tolerate an enclosure.

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Tiny-Rack 3D printable rack system - 6-inch and 10-inch versions · Issue #105 · geerlingguy/mini-rack


I really need to make a 10" rack!

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I'm not sure I NEED one, but it is cute as heck.

I made a triangular one last year for DIN rail mounts - well, heavily modified an existing one I found. Turned out great, and supports some pretty heavy components.


I’ve been considering buying a GeekPi 10” rack for a while, so 3D printing one to tidy up my comms gear is a great, budget friendly option.

check out Kiri:Moto

"get total control over your LAN mode Bambu printers from within the slicer. It's entirely open source and doesn't use Bambu's closed binary network plugin. "


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I have tried to read most of the posts on 3D Printing looking for the best or better filament to use, I am using PLA until I get more knowledge of what I am doing. PLA+ looks interesting. Any suggestions would be appreciated. This subject I know has been discussed a whole lot but since there are many suggestions it is hard to narrow it down. TIA

CC3D was recommended in a reddit thread and I've had excellent results with it. I'm 99% petg now but everything (100-ish spools) I've bought from them has been good.

Kingroon works for me, too.

When I first started printing, I went with Overture PLA for a good while. While the quality of the filament was OK, I started having trouble with spools being tangled.

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eSun is excellent IME, and Sunlu is also great. Sunlu PLA+ seems to be a little harder to cool, but it prints very, very fast, so I guess that is the trade off.

Sunlu have an official eBay store and usually have 5kg bundles for under $80 AUD. Iirc, I paid $15 AUD per roll for my last batch of 5 spools.

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It appears that Jayo is the same as Sunlu and a bit cheaper too (about 13-14 Aussie pesos on ebay in bulk when there's a decent coupon of at at least 15%).

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Good to know, they are frequently dirt cheap!

Yea, just got a few rolls of their petg and pla+ in. The petg prints fantastic with no stringing, I've not tested the PLA yet but should work just fine using the Sunlu profiles. I'll test the PLA tomorrow and will confirm.

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I'll second what @dJOS said about eSun and Sunlu, I use these 2 brands almost exclusively, PLA works perfectly all the time. I also use the Sunlu PETG on the Bambu P1S and at default speed it works perfectly with little to no stringing, I have tried the PolyMaker PETG in white and that was a disaster, had to print at half speed just to get it to work. Decided it was not worth it and garbaged half the roll and got some Sunlu again.

If you try TPU, the Overture black TPU I tried worked great, perfect prints every time with minimal stringing with default geenric TPU profile.

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You mean @djos?


Good catch, sorry Derek :frowning:


For most things, PLA is excellent. You only need ASA etc for things that need temperature resistance as PLA and PETG are both prone going soft in the sun, or when near a heat source.

PETG is slightly more heat resistant than PLA, but not but much. It is very impact resistant tho, so great for phone cases etc.

Thanks everyone! I have a lot more info to go on and a lot more shopping to do. I have a Sovol SV06+ and it has worked well with PLA so far but thought of trying PLA+ and PETG as well. These printers are a hoot.

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I did a Jayo petg 5-spool deal on Aliexpress back in Nov for $50. It was for odd colors (pink, very light yellow, etc) that I don't see on my regular vendors. For $10/spool it's nice to have them in inventory.

I was forewarned that there are fake Jayo vendors on AliE, so spent some time digging through the Jayo offers for one that looked the most official.