Let's talk 3D printers!

Just print some TPU feet for it - I have some in the below model, which will bolt to any printer frame.

In the feet Folder:

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Only problem is I've never printed TPU and probably don't want to buy a reel of that since I would likely never end up using it.

But your suggestion makes me realize there are probably some ready to buy 3D printer feet that will fit. Time for a little lazy Googling.

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I used a set of cheap rubber feet from the hardware store for years - there's no real difference imo, other than looks.

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Forgot about that one, thanks for the reminder.

Since my printer is on a relatively light-weight rolling table/stand, I'll have some what different physics than on a large/stable workbench, and also need to avoid making it too top-heavy so I don't tip it over accidentally while moving it. :scream: :wink: Maybe I might put a paver or two on the bottom shelf of the table to balance things out if I go for a paver/pavers on the top under the printer. :thinking:

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Btw, I made this last year, but never published it on its own - might be handy for my fellow Klipper fanbois wanting to run KlipperScreen from an affordable DSI LCD.

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If your wife happens to have a roll of that rubbery, waffle-weave drawer & shelf liner I've found that a small piece under each printer foot works really well as a stabilizer. It reduces sound a bit, too.

Attaching it would be a last resort. A small, lightweight table would make a great soundboard.


Ah, yes, that does sound like a possible bad result of attaching it. :slight_smile: OK, won't do that.

We have a bunch of that waffle stuff, it seems to only come in multi-yard packages.

I do like the idea of the foam/pavers approach, so thinking I might go that way. Benefit that it would raise the printer just a bit, which would be a little better height for me. If I do use pavers will def add some weight to the bottom as well. Cart specs claim it can hold a fair amount (44lbs/shelf) but I'll be well under that even w/pavers.

I see a trip to Home Depot in my future...

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New to me printer arrived!
SV06 Plus, now just have to fix it. :wink:
My working theory is that it's somehow related to this area of the machine.
Edit: Yup. vanishing wires. :person_shrugging:



Prusa released a new Core XY printer, Prusa Core One. Will be neat to see how it compares to the competition! Definitely great to see more competition and innovation in the space too!


looks like the print head got crashed, hard!

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It looks nice, but I wish Prusa would stop using their fork of Marlin! Marlin is trash, they need to use Klipper or RepRap firmware.

Damn, really didn't want to spend any more on this stuff.
But... got a Pi just sitting here and now BF sale on these Freenove screens, $41 for a 5" or $51 for a 7". :thinking:
Hmm, wife's away for a couple days. :wink:

Edit: Next day delivery, and the 7" comes with an extra cable. :neutral_face:


You know you want to! :+1:

I took that to mean his finger had already “accidently” clicked the button.

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woops! :man_shrugging:

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Guilty. :sunglasses:


Happens to me a lot. I blame it on my meds.


I believe it, I've seen them down on main street partying like it's 1999... :wink:


Well the bad news is Sovol doesn't make replacing the thermistor easy on the SV06 Plus.
The good news is Amazon sells the hotend assy cheap enough it doesn't matter. :wink:

A little disassembly, cleaning, reassembly.
Stuck in the factory Benchy GCode file and let 'er rock.
Looking good!
