If you are comfortable thinking Arduino then this is likely the item for you.
The board Dr Haas sells has 4 LED already on it. I'm sure you could replace them with LEDs with a better form factor (i.e. through panel etc.)
It's designed as an arduino shield but you don't need the Arduino.
Basic setup.
- Enable the Hubitat Zigbee pairing
- Power up the Haas board, it will connect with the hub.
- use @ogiewon 's Hubitat driver as a base, modify it if you find other things you want it to do.
It is that simple
As you read the link further I made a non arduino "carrier" board for the basic cc2530 Zigbee board. Its a little smaller and has some filtering to protect external inputs but it doesn't do much more than Dr Haas' board.
I currently have one operating sending data from my cellar measurements.
I'm working on a second being an ultrasonic sensor to tell Hubitat my car is in the garage or not.
The 3rd is planned for measuring the fuel oil in my heating oil tank.