LED Mini-Dashboard (replacement for "Switch Dashboard" and Switch Notifications) for Inovelli dimmer/switches

@jonathanb Jonathan, on a Blue Series VZM31-SN, when I configure a rule with "Small to Big" selected, on the dashboard, it shows, "Rising". I haven't had a chance to check if it's actually rising, or if it's just a display issue on the dash, but will report back when I do. Evidence:

2023-10-12 12_38_09-Exterior Door is Open

I am having an issue with picking the LEDs OFF for the Effect pulldown. After I pick the switches I want to use and pick the activation: timeframe between . Then I pick Sunrise to Sunset so I can test the effect during the day (What I really want is the leds to all be off at night for certain switches so the bedroom is not lit up). Once I have all that I pick test effect and I can see the switch leds all turn off for about 1 second then they pop back to whatever color they were before the test. If I do a similar test but don't pick LEDs OFF but something like Solid then I see a duration which defaults to infinite and if I leave everything as is when I click test then I see the leds switch and it stays that way. I am not sure why the LEDs OFF doesn't stay or doesn't all a duration when you pick that. Here is what it appears to do from the logs when I click test and it is set to LEDs OFF

app:1082023-10-26 02:11:09.091 PMdebugSetting Master bedroom Fan LED #All (id=condition_1, name=DimFanLights, priority=20, effect=0, color=null, level=null, duration=(none) )

Here is a log line when the effect appears to stay on though when I didn't pick LEDs OFF
Setting Master bedroom Fan LED #All (id=condition_1, name=[auto stop] DimFanLights, priority=0, effect=255, color=0, level=100, duration=(none) Infinite)

I tried to do a Solid color and then just set the level to 0 which seemed to work for the test (the LEDs stayed off) but then it wouldn't let me save the rule and said the level had to be from 1 to 100.

I tried to look at the app code but couldn't find any reference to LEDs OFF for the pulldown so don't know where to start debugging. I believe I am using the latest app code

In case anyone else is having the same issue I did above I was able to get around the issue by changing the code where it has the range of 1 to 100 for Solid color to allow 0 to 100
Line 599 for me is now
range: '0..100',

This now allows me to pick Solid Color (then any actual color) infinite duration, custom level then level value of 0. I think this is what LEDs Off should do, but this work around is doing what I need, ie turning off the LEDs for a certain period of time.


I just found this app (it's great - thanks!).

One bug to report. I was using the app to set up garage door and door lock notifications for three different switches an LZW-30SN, VZW-31SN, and LZW-31SN. I set up a separate child app and entered the logic for each of the different types of switches. I didn't press the "Test Effect" button and instead saved the logic and then tried to test the logic by unlocking a door only to find the notifications weren't working. When I went back in to check the logic for one of the switches, I then pressed the "Test Effect", which properly displayed the notification. After doing that, I again unlocked a door, and the notification worked for that type of switch, but not the other types of switches. I repeated the above for each of the child apps for the other types of switches, and each began to work after I pressed the "Test Effect". So it appears you need to hit the "Test Effect" button, otherwise the notifications won't work.

Repeating what others here have said: thank you @jonathanb for this app!

Not sure if anyone else bumped into this, but using "Before Time" wasn't causing the effect to stop at the chosen time.

I've put up a PR that fixes it, and hopefully @jonathanb has time to review it. If anyone needs it sooner, you can copy the changes from here: Add a trigger for timeBefore by mactalla · Pull Request #18 · bradsjm/hubitat-public · GitHub

@jonathanb just found this app, awesome! Is there any way to use a custom HSM rule as a trigger?

This app is amazing and creates so many possibilities. I am just having an issue with the priorities and maybe I just am misunderstanding or not setting up correctly. I am using the blue series. If I set up a dashboard for each notification everything works exactly as it should. If I set one up with 2 priorities for example flash orange for 10 secs when the heat turns on (Priority 1) and flash blue for 10 secs when the AC turns on (Priority 2). It's one HVAC heating and cooling system so it would never heat and cool at the same time. If I try to turn on the heat nothing flashes or when I turn the AC on nothing flashes. If I set them up as their own dashboards they work just fine. Any insight would be appreciated!

Could you post a screenshot of the dashboards setups that work, and of those that don’t?

I have several with multiple priorities and they work very well. There is probably something that needs to be modified in your setup.


Here are the screenshots. I may just be misunderstanding the capabilities of the app.

It all looks good to me. Have you tried pausing the rules that only has a single priority?

If you enable debug logging on the one with two priorities, what do you get in your logs?

Agree with Sebastien that it looks good. The Priority numbering scheme can be unintuitive, depending on your expectations.

Since the two situations can't fire at same time, have you experimented with making both something like Priority "10"? It shouldn't matter, but just trying to think of something easy to try that might shake something loose.

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Just getting this setup and loving it. I need to buy some more blue series switches. :slight_smile:

I think I'm missing something with a red series LZW31-SN though. I have a couple scenarios setup for doors open, closed, locked, etc and they all work. But when I turn the switch on or off, the color set by this app goes away and changes to whatever color/intensity I have set in the device.

On my blue series, the app colors go away when I'm using the switch but they come right back.

I'm assuming I'm missing a setting in the red series switch to make it keep the app colors. I've tried setting the led to off, and no selection in the device but no dice.


Force device refresh seems to take care of it.

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I set this up a few months ago and it's excellent for our Inovelli blue switches. It's so much easier than configuring the LEDs "manually" via Rule Machine. Thanks for the great app!

One question - has anyone gotten the "Variable LED" setting to work for LED Numbers? I thought this might work well to display the status of a countdown timer, but it doesn't seem to be functional. If I just set it up with a simple scenario that pulls from a hub variable I set to a number between 1 and 7, none of the LEDs light up.

I dove into the code and threw in some debug statements, and it seems there are some problems with this functionality. I get type exceptions in places, and looking at the code it seems that the config.lednumber value "var" makes it through to places that are just expecting actual LED numbers or sets of them (e.g. "5,6,7"). There is some logic (e.g. the "replaceVariables" method) to address this but it seems incomplete.

Based on some earlier comments in this thread, it seems like the "Variable LED" mode was expected to pull from a string variable and was later converted to pull from only numeric variables. Perhaps something was missed in this change?

Inovelli is due to start shipping their new "Smart Dimmer" aka 2-1 White Series Thread/Matter Switch.

Just wondering is there's someone else that'll be able to get this app updated to support this new switch since Jonathan no longer working on this.

Did they figure out a way to make "effects" work with those? Last I saw they couldn't because Matter doesn't allow this kind of customization (though changing color would work if exposed as a bulb-looking endpoint). So, I'm not sure this app would be a good fit.

That being said, it might be too soon to answer your question: if or how it works with this app would depend on what the driver ends up looking like, though it's possible someone could figure out the modifications needed for either to make it work if needed. I ended up using a rule for my LED bars and "'notifications" personally but might he able to look at some point...

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I also moved on from this app to just using rules instead (for my Blues).

Although that transition was intimidating at first, I now prefer using rules since they give me more flexibility to stack and prioritize LED notifications.

I'll have to dig a little more on the Inovelli forum.

I originally was trying to do this via rule machine, but it was kicking my butt.

How complicated is your setup requiring to use rule machine?

At office now, so no access to any examples, but if you dig though Inovelli's support resources for Hubitat, they do have instructions for how to set up LED notifications in Rule Machine.

My previous use of this app was very helpful in all of this though... I turned on logging for this app and then activated my various notifications in order to capture the corresponding log details. Those details were super useful in setting up my rules, since they included all the parameter string details (color code, animation code, etc) that I needed.


Several questions

I have been using Rule Machine to manage my Red Series Light/Fan Switches. I recently purchased my first Zigbee on/off switch. When I paired the device with HE, it pairs as a “Device” as opposed to my Red series switch which is noted as a “Inovelli ZWave Switch”.

I’d like to duplicate my notifications from my Red Switch to the Blue Switch (switches are in different parts of the house and would find it useful to have the notifications in both places).

  1. I can’t get to the LED notification management screen for the new blue switch and I’m assuming because my device isn’t labeled properly
  2. Is there a specific guide for setting the notifications for the blue switches? I made my red notifications a long time ago, and don’t recall all the steps.
  3. Can I just add in a step in my rules for the red switch for the blue switch or will it need an all new rule?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe I tried to use the LED dashboard previously but I found RM easier, perhaps things have changed, but firstly, looking to get my device set up properly.


The Inovelli Blue (and latest-gen Red) drivers are available from Inovelli in Hubitat Package Manager -- there is no native driver available for either.

This Mini-Dashboard app should still work for Blues AFAIK (I used to use it for mine, but have since moved to using Rule Machine instead), but the community developer of this app is no longer active with Hubitat, so this app has not been updated in a long time -- maybe it still works fine overall, but it's unsupported.

Here is Inovelli's support page for setting up Blue and Red led notifications in Hubitat:

Setting Up Animated Notifications • Hubitat | Inovelli Help Center

ETA -- here is another very solid option for a community-developed Blue driver -- this one strips out the extraneous fan-related and other not-commonly-used parameters, so it's less intimidating to manage for most basic users (as compared to Inovelli's driver):

[RELEASE] Inovelli VZM31-SN Blue Series (Zigbee) 2-in-1/Dimmer Community Driver - :gear: Custom Apps and Drivers / Custom Drivers - Hubitat

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