Latitude / Longitude Different in New iPhone App

I just switched to the new Hubitat App on my iPhone. I've got the correct latitude and longitude coordinates on my hub, but they app shows different coordinates. I've stopped and started the app as well as rebooted the hub. I've also logged out of the app and logged back in. I've done that again while removing the device. I tried deleting them in the hub to since it says that if there aren't any coordinates then the app will use the phone's current wouldn't let me delete. Error box pop up but doesn't have message.

Pin on map for my phone is in the right location.

Coordinates on Hub: 40.544806, -112.003051 (Correct zip is 84009 which was created from 84095 over a decade ago)
Coordinate in the app: 40.5622, -111.9297 (These coordinates are in Zip 84095)

log out of and remove the old app then log out of the new app and log back in