Latest Hotfix Dashboard issues

@patrick Latest Hotfix for dashboard "attribute" text has caused some other issues with tile alignment. Notice the icons for bulbs.

Looking into it, should not have changed. I assume that is android and chrome?

Chrome PC (windows) and Chrome Android (latest version)

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Mine looks much the same on iOS Safari

Found issue. Working on fix. Stay tuned...

One more thing...I could have sworn that when I went to the Layout Options page in the dashboard, then selected Done on that page, I would be sent back to the Dashboard Configuration page, where if I then did Done I would go back to the App page.

Now when I click Done on the Layout Options page, I am getting sent back to the App page.

Am I misremembering or did this change?

This isn't a dashboard specific change but an app change on returning back from where you came from. Effects all parent to child and then done back to parent paths.