@patrick Latest Hotfix for dashboard "attribute" text has caused some other issues with tile alignment. Notice the icons for bulbs.
Looking into it, should not have changed. I assume that is android and chrome?
Chrome PC (windows) and Chrome Android (latest version)
Mine looks much the same on iOS Safari
Found issue. Working on fix. Stay tuned...
One more thing...I could have sworn that when I went to the Layout Options page in the dashboard, then selected Done on that page, I would be sent back to the Dashboard Configuration page, where if I then did Done I would go back to the App page.
Now when I click Done on the Layout Options page, I am getting sent back to the App page.
Am I misremembering or did this change?
This isn't a dashboard specific change but an app change on returning back from where you came from. Effects all parent to child and then done back to parent paths.