LANnouncer Update request!

OK, this is really not for Hubitat specifically, but rather for the Android app. Like many have reported in other threads LANnouncer just stops working after a while. I tried to isolate it and see if it was related to Fully (it isn't), or the screen saver (it isn't either). Just leaving the app open in the foreground it just stops responding after a while.
I see the same thing on both my Android and Fire tablets.
Researching online I believe the issue is related to the OS, it seems it kills any idle process (since Oreo onwards?). It appears there are workarounds (see linked thread), but the problem is I am not a programmer in any way, shape or form and all that stuff is greek to me!
So are any of you smart programming guys out there able to offer a solution to idiots like me?

Depends on what version of Android and Device you are running it on. There are many reports that the last two version of Android terminates background processing after a period of non application usage.

I run LANnouncer on old Moto G5 phone running Android 8 and haven't had an issue of it killing the process. I tried to do the same with a retired G6 with Android 9 and it has issues with the app. I will run 4 to 5 days and stop responding.

Rooting and running a 3rd party ROM's are one option but as you stated there is a lot of work to take this route.

Google is not very open on what can run in the background and what cannot with Android 9 and higher. They have stated that they will attempt to become more transparent on how background tasks are scheduled but I haven't seen any documentation on this.

My Nexus 7 was just unbearably slow so I replaced it with something running Android 10. Not sure what flavor my Fire 7 tablet is running, but it also is fairly recent - but the Fire seems ok.
Definitely a problem with the newer OS but I'm not smart enough to do what it takes to implement a workaround!

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