Kwikset Home Connect 620 < - Not Updating Status But Works Fine

Kwikset Home Connect 620 < - Not Updating Status But Works Fine.
So this has been a thing for awhile now ,, Not Updating Status but works fine.
Goto the device page and the lock works lock/un-lock no problems.
But it never updates its status. So none of the apps and dashboards work ¯\(ツ)
Its Crazy that it still locks/un-locks fine so its working only updates do not.

What's even weirder .. works fine for a long time then just stops.
Hub Rebooting/Hub Power off/data base rebuilds/driver changes/lock battery removals Nothing seems to work ¯\(ツ)
Then after doing all the above several times .. it starts working again ¯\(ツ)

I am using the generic z-wave lock driver. I wonder if it has a problem?
Is there a better driver ? Different Driver ? Or anyone have a suggestions ?

Tagging @bcopeland

I have 5 of these things and haven't noticed it. But clearly there's something going on - based on your logs.