Konnected Local versus Cloud Actuated?

So when I was on SmartThings I had a few Konnected based NodeMCU boards around the house for measuring temperatures. One had DS18B20 probes for pool water and the outside air, while another had probes for a beer fridge and its freezer.

Brought them over to Hubitat just fine, and the devices continue to work as expected and log data to a Google Sheet through Hubitat like I wanted. I use my router to block Internet access to the NodeMCU boards, so they are forced to be local and they still updated Hubitat just fine that way.

I was just experimenting with some other Konnected capabilities and set up another board with a couple relays wired to it to try to use them as switches or momentary switches. With Internet access blocked to that NodeMCU board, they will not switch when Hubitat sends the signal, but if I allow that board to have Internet access, Hubitat is able to control the switch and momentary switch function just fine.

I was looking through the Konnected code for the apps and drivers and nothing jumped out at me as going online other than some links to icons or help pages.

Are these functions really not local? Anyway to force them to be local?


Unblock internet access on the router for that test board IP and make sure it works. Then unplug your WAN cable and see if it still works just to make sure it's not just a problem with the router blocking more than just the internet access.

I do not believe that Konnected needs internet at all either, so this test will confirm everything.

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Thanks - I'll give enabling Internet to the board but truly killing the Internet a shot to see how it goes.

It does seem that you need Internet for initial NodeMCU board discovery by Hubitat, but in the case of those temperature sensing boards I can immediately turn the Internet off once done.

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