Keen Smart Vents

@kahn-hubitat, how do I extract the ā€œobstructedā€ status when using the LGK V2 driver? In rule machine, if I choose custom attribute -> switch, of course I only get to choose On / Off.

Iā€™m trying to create a rule that sends me a notification if a vent gets obstructed.

If the vent is working just opening and closing should reset it. Otherwise it is not communicating.

If you are looking to sense that status. Post what it looks like so i can can see in the device panel so i can take a look. I am not home now so cannot test with my vents


Thanks for the extremely quick reply!

And no rush on this. It can definitely wait until after you are home. :slight_smile:

Easy fix i will add a new attribute called obstructed yes no .

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For now you could also try a weird rule that says switch is not open and not closed and see if that works.

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Temporarily, I did that. But I was getting push messages for ā€œclearingā€, which I didnā€™t want. Eventually, I figured out a workaround:

Trigger: switch changed
Action: set VentStatus variable to %value% (of the switch), if variable VentStatus=obstructed, send message

Con: Have to create a new Rule for each vent, until the new attribute is added and all rules combined into one.
Pro: It works for now!

Thanks for leading me down that path!

new version in git hub..

// lgk 12/22 add ventStatus custom attribute open,closed, obstructed, clearing
and made pressure an attribute so it can be fetched


The attribute is visible and usable. Thank you.

One minor issue (only seen after todayā€™s update, because I hadnā€™t tested earlier). When clearing obstruction, the switch and VentStatus remains ā€œclearingā€. After a refresh of the page, switch goes back to on/off, but VentStatus remains ā€œclearingā€.



Ok thats a bug will.look into it.

Thank you.

One more thing. Iā€™ve figured it out that the level is ā€˜confirmedā€™ by the device only if it ends in .0. For example, clicking Open will instantaneously show the level as 100 or on, it will change to 100.0 once the vent actually opens and probably sends back a level. Maybe consider using that information to show ā€œopeningā€ instead of open, or not show it as open or on until the vent is actually open by .0 appearing in the level.

I wanted to share my battery hack. I have 4 Keen Vents on my second floor and the battery compartment of a few of them have failed over time. So I decided to add a 18650 instead of the AA batteries. Works great so far... as for the battery % readout... I ditched it and am using the Hubitat "Device Activity check" app. Just in case some of you have the same issues with the battery compartment failing.


Nice.. I have a few Keen vents that could use this hack. Thanks for the ideas.

Okay, can you list the parts/pieces you used?

Pretty cool! Instead of the vent lasting 3 days, it might last 3 weeks. :slight_smile:

Mine are in a box somewhere, just waiting to find their way into a landfill someday.

mine last over 6 months.. i think it all has to do with your zigbee strength. and where your repeters are.. need a zigbee/outlet repeater in the same room.. that is what i did.

Before the landfill, I might be interested in taking a few off of your hands, or rather from "a box somewhere". :smile:

I had repeaters pretty much everywhere. I didn't hard-wire into the vent, but even sitting the vent a few feet from the hub to test only lasted about 2 weeks.

I have 3 of these things and they all behave identically. If you search you will see the forum is littered with people throwing these in the garbage. I believe that at ONE POINT, Keen made a great vent, but over time, either due to QC or cheaping out on components, they went to crap.

For my case specifically, I went back and forth with Keen support for over a year. No help whatsoever. Total waste of time, and money.

Anyhow, if I decide not to hardwire these, I'll definitely let the people in the DMs know, and ship them out.

Most of mine (I have 17) last 9-12 months. I have one I replaced once and now the "new" one has the same issue - corrosion in the battery box. Likely caused by proximity to A/C and is in master closet - so gets tons of cold from A/C and then additional humidity from proximity to shower (though I have two closer to the shower that have been fine.