any news on that topic?
Been having the same problem.
I can see the IP of the switch, I can ping it without problem but when I run the tapo_device_install I get this:
And yes I did turn on the switch for KASA hub and matter Devices...
any news on that topic?
Been having the same problem.
I can see the IP of the switch, I can ping it without problem but when I run the tapo_device_install I get this:
I can duplicate and know the reason. I ran my app using INCORRECT username or password to get the error. However, my run included the WARNING message from the logs. Note the warning message on Check credentials.
Please check your credentials are correct and try again.
If the install still fails, set debug log to true and provide the logs from when you select "Add Tapo Devices".
app:1872024-05-27 04:42:55.512errororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException: Cannot cast object 'ERROR' with class 'java.lang.String' to class 'java.util.Map' on line 1144 (method getSmartLanData)
app:1872024-05-27 04:42:55.464warntapo_device_install -2.3.7b: [method:getKlapDeviceData, baseUrl:, sessionData:[protocol:KLAP, handshakeValidated:false, status:ERROR], respStatus:FAILED, reason:Login process failure. Check credentials.]
Still can duplicate. Still points to credential error in the devices.
To reduce to one device, unplug the KP125. But also recheck your credentials.
You could also try unplugging the KP-125 (that is the device causing the crash-out) to isolate the HS220 (in case there is an issue with the KP-125.
(PS: I eliminated the ERROR message in a quick update; however, same result - device is not found due to credential errors.)
unplugin the KP125 fixed the problem!
I'll will try now to replug it see if everything will still work!
everything is working!
Thank you!
and now my Regular HS200 Switch that was working fine isn't anymore hahaha
(also tried by the cloud in the kasa integration tool and with unplugging the KP125...)
damn you Kasa switch
Built-in or community app? This error typically means the driver is not installed in your Hubitat. If you are using the community app (old app), then the driver is missing and needs to be installed. The driver is Kasa Plug Switch. But I need the logs during install to confirm (it will throw a message say not installed and why).
adding the driver fix it!
Thanks again.
No more question on Kasa I promise (for now at least!)
Been using Kasa devices for some time. Added a ceiling fan combo (fan and light) KS240. I can use it fine on my Kasa app and my Tapo app. I cannot get either the built in Kasa integration or the Tapo app from HPM to find that one. In the Tapo integration, I've tried sliding the swith to Kasa and matter devices and with out the switch. I've double checked my creditials also. I have 9 devices on my Kasa integration, and the Tapo app doesn't find any. Is that normal if they are already setup with the Kasa integration? Lot of questions i know. I'm looking to add 3 more of the HS240's. I don't want to add them if I cannot get them into Hubitat. Thanks for all the help on these forums.
This is a new type to the TP-LInk line (fan) and requires some different drivers. It will be included in the next release of the TAPO community App - out in the next week or so.
Dave, I just got back to this problem and just sent you the requested Log information. Thanks again for your help!
The KS240 uses the Tapo Integration (Kasa = Tplink = tapo). It requires the Tapo integration with the TP-Link Parent, TP-Link Child Dimmer, and TP-Link Child Fan drivers.
If you already have the Tapo integration installed, do a HPM Repair (I just made some changes for the 240). Then try the install and send be the logs (either way). I want to close this out.
It worked!! Thank you for your diligence on this problem Dave. And more importantly for your efforts on the TP-Link integration. I really like their product offering and without your work, it would be impossible to use this hardware. And better yet... I promise to leave you alone for a while.
You did not bother me at all.
Hello.. I have a house full of Kasa EP25 plugs from early 2023 (wifi/non-matter) and I cannot get them to install with the built in Kasa app. I’ve tried the custom app above (I found it on GitHub) and it also will not add the plugs. The error I get is:
Where is the official source for Dave’s app and is that intended to work with older EP25’s?
If that is the error you get when using the custom app, then you did not also install the custom drivers. The installation instructions are linked to in the readme: HubitatActive/KasaDevices/ at master · DaveGut/HubitatActive · GitHub
If you are getting a similar error with the built-in integration, what is the exact text of that error? That shouldn't happen, but if you just upgraded your hub platform version, maybe wait about 15 minutes or try a reboot and try again. If you are not on the latest version (2.3.9.x), I would also do that.
Thank you very much! It’s all working now. I attempted to use the custom/legacy app but I missed the device driver portion.
What are the differences between the built in app and the custom app? Why would you use one over the other?