Just when I thought I had it licked

`My dog managed to turn off the "network stack" UPS.`

"where did it all go?"
"how are both HE's off line"
"where is my repeater?
"2 cell hot spots, neither can access HE"
"or the repeater, hits me"
Physical check is in order.
Wet spot, just washed the dog.
Not one light showing.
Flip the switch on the APC 650, all kinds of lights.
I will admit that the "system restart" routine (s) did their job, and did not do a thing, as nothing had changed during the system outage.
Next automation "operation Dog Proof"


I recall an old app for PCs (early 2000s, late 90s) that would detect if a cat was walking on your keyboard, and if so, it would disable typing to prevent unintended consequences.

It appears we've entered a new age of that type of thinking :wink: