Just jumped in and looking for advise

Same here, ST for years (on v2 hub) and new to HE w/a C7.

  1. Read this, and I suggest you wait to migrate Zwave devices until the new release is out and confirmed stable.
    C-7 Z-Wave Inclusion Issues

  2. Take your time - Hu.bitat is both similar and very different than ST, and it takes a bit to get your feet and feel like it's normal. :wink: You can get the C7 setup, install some apps and configure them, and moving over some Zigbee devices initially could be the best approach while waiting for the Zwave to get sorted.

  3. MIgration - think about how you want to do this. Advice is start w/powered devices that repeat first to build a strong mesh and then add battery devices. Start near the hub and work outwards. Think about how your migration will affect the stability of your ST mesh, which you're still depending on even as you build your Hubitat mesh. You may want to migrate groups of items that work together (e.g., a repeater, the water valve it supports, and the four leak sensors that are tied to them via WebCore to tell the valve to shut off if a leak is detected). If you go by room you may unintentionally break automations that you depend on.

  4. Ask a lot of questions - this is a very helpful community w/lots of experienced users. If you need a driver for a device that you can't find anything for here by searching start a thread and ask if anyone would be interested in helping you.

  5. Get the Hubitat Package Manager - helps you find/install many apps easily.

  6. WebCore - pistons run locally on Hubitat, so you can hubMigrate your pistons to Hubitat WebCore and keep local execution. Best migration approach is to use the Backup Pistons option to export all of your ST pistons into a backup file, and then use the Import option under Create a Piston in Hubitat WebCore. Then once your devices are moved over it only takes a few clicks to update the device selections in each piston and you're up and running. You can think about moving to Rule Machine, but if you know and like WebCore this gives you time to think about why you woiuld want to move pistons over, and which might benefit.

  7. Try HubConnect - it wouldn't work for me for some reason but as noted it's a great way to experience your ST devices on Hubitat before they move

  8. Everything may not have to migrate - if you want to you can leave devices unsupported or w/limited support on HE on your ST hub (as long as that doesn't break automations that depend on other devices).

  9. The mobile app is a disappointment to me, very limited. However, you can access the full Hubitat system on your phone by going to your hub's ip address in your mobile browser. It's an excellent option, and improved my reaction to Hubitat mobile support 100%.

  10. Everything is not perfect on Hubitat. Big surprise, I know. Lots of good stuff going on, but you will run into issues. Just ask, as noted above.

Have fun!

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