Just a reminder to have organized backups!

I’ve always kept my backups organized with FreeNas and Pfsense. But I finally decided to organize my HE backups.

This post is only to help people try to organize backups,

How do you suggest organizing them?

Like this


are you doing it manually or do you have some script?

I would be happy if Hubitat just added a prefix or suffix for each hub backup.... That way those of us with multiple hubs could just dump the backups in one folder without having to rename every bleeping file.


I do it manually, either when I make a lot of changes, when I update hubconnect or when I update Hubitat.


Also would be nice if there was an url that just downloaded the most recent backup, as opposed to generating a new one first.

Since the hub backs up automatically each day I only need to download that one, rather than adding additional load on the hub by generating a new backup.

See this thread:

Why not click on the download button of the backup that was taken in the early hours.


Manually click the button?! What next, stand up and walk across the room to turn on a light switch or adjust the thermostat? :wink:


Hhmmmm. You've got me thinking now.................... :thinking: