Just a frustrated girl with an idea

Agreed. And that is the choice we all make.

I, for instance, won't typically use "free" software that requires registration unless there is zero other choice. I simply don't want/need to have a million logins/accounts - especially for something that is supposedly "free" to use.

So I don't use any of Cobra's or SRWhite's apps. That's my choice - I don't blame them for how they choose to share their code.

The few Cobra apps I used, I rewrote my own versions from scratch for my personal use. I replaced HubConnect with a similar functioning app I coded from scratch for my personal use.

If Kevin ever pulls MQTT behind an account/website I'll go back and finish the MQTT app I already started but put aside in favor of his more comprehensive app. Etc. Those are just my choices.

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Agree 1000%. And I have done the same (although for very different reasons in each of those two examples).

One thing I will say though....if someone finds an ERROR in an app or driver someone has posted....the OP of that software has a duty to either fix it or pull it from the forum. That's the commitment you make when you post something. No sense in letting others suffer with something that doesn't work. I think that's something we can all agree on.

To be honest, that's one of the reasons our website took SO long to open
I can code most of the stuff pretty quickly when I'm in the mood, I just can't be bothered to document it
That's why @Royski has been SO valuable.. not only documenting but writing all the site code too :slight_smile:


I certainly think that is the best/"right" thing to do. Although I am also OK with them just putting a note/disclaimer on it that says what isn't working as well.


In large bold letters and in the title...then I'd say that's okay. The digital equivalent of a flashing neon sign saying "BROKEN". :wink:

I haven't seen it much here, since the forum is still new but I see this all the time on the ST forum. People resurrect old threads for software that hasn't worked in years and are frustrated why they can't get it to work.

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As a developer who hasn't been here very long and loves this community I just want to say that for what I do release I want help writing docs, if I would write them I doubt most would understand them, besides, I don't have the time.
I currently have a Closed Beta of a driver that works very well, but I won't release it publicly until there's documentation. We all contribute what we can and want to the community, I happily contribute code that others can use and appreciate, but documentation is another thing. I can answer questions and provide the details needed to write docs, but beyond that I'd hope some of the users of what I release could step in.


Awww shucks :blush: cheers buddy :wink: :+1:

If your going to write documentation, sadly you need to apply it to the lowest common denominator as I've always said. Like someone just picked it up, and knows nothing.

I've spent years writing complex CR's, FSD's technical documents for various helpdesks. You cant half arse it, and completely understand why some don't. It could take longer than the app you've just created :wink:


Well, I would agree that is the best way to do it. It most definitely is not the only way to do it though - if it were, we would have a lot LESS documentation then we already have, as many are not going to do that.


Isn't this the crux of the problem? :wink:

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Good point.
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


To have a true user-doc, I would agree. But not everything raises to the level where that would be required. And in Hubitat's case, I would say it is more true of apps than drivers. Unless you have some funky virtual driver that has tons of bells and whistles or child devices or what have you, then just releasing it is really enough (as long as it works).

I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You've been very open to PRs and suggestions.

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If you have the time, great. But if you don't you will at some point get the questions, happens time and time again. Even with the fullest of documents. There's not really a right or wrong way to do it, but applying my method has worked very well for me over the years, if you have (or make) the time that is.


This sums it up exactly for me too. All the feature requests and support questions on devices you don't have access to start to come in. I don't have time to tell people how to find the ip address of their devices (not to sound rude).

I also see a lot of people trying to do things with devices that aren't intended for that. Once you start doing this you need to know how to do some more advanced things. Integrating device X with HE is cool but sometimes you just need to know how to find the token especially when its using a non standard/public api work around to get it working.


@JasonJoel has been VERY helpful in dragging me along trying to figure out Node Red in another thread using Hubitat Nodes. I am just waiting for that "Go Pound Sand" response.

@fblackburn with Hubitat Nodes; @kellykoehn128 with Alpha WyzeSense; and @kewashi with HousePanel should have told me to Pound Sand a LOOOOONNNGGG time ago.

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This here is the crux of so many things.


Never! :smile: Helping is FUN for me. Just don't ask me to write a manual or documentation. LOL


I have relied so much on others, i like to jump in and answer a question when I can so that the developer doesn't have to answer the same question 1000s of times. Like has been mentioned, sometimes you have to explain to the lowest common denominator and that means sometimes a newbie is best at helping a newbie like I said earlier. There is definitely a Pay-It-Forward mentality on this forum and when person has an issue, someone else has probably had same issue and lends a fix without the developer getting involved. That's what is so great about this community. The only problem is when people like me lead a fellow newbie astray. That's when the developer can step in and nip it in the bud.


if someone finds an ERROR in an app or driver someone has posted....the OP of that software has a duty to either fix it or pull it from the forum. That's the commitment you make when you post something.

You bring up some interesting points - what is the minimally acceptable app/driver to post to the community? Shouldn't that also include good docs as well? What if the author doesn't consider something a critical "error"? Good discussion so far.. (ymmv!)

This is where HE maybe needs to take some leadership.. it may not be enough to just have a github repo for "official community" releases.. I say this with the understanding that HE likely does not have any time/resources for that kind of thing.

Just thinking out loud...

See now documentation IS my thing. I'll leave a standing offer that if someone wants/needs updated documentation. Like "Hey April, everything included here?" I'll go through the steps and document what's for dummies like me. If I can understand it, any novice will. I'll do my part.