Jasco Zwave motion switch DH

I have several these working well but a strange problem is that if I do a z-wave repair they all stop reporting motion events. If i disconnect power (using the air gap ) they will start again. Any ideas what might be causing this? It occurs whichever driver I use (of the several that are available including the stock HE version).

I happen to do a wave repair yesterday and just tried the switches during a zwave repair as well and mine appear to be working fine.

I've never seen motion stop reporting after a zwave repair, so don't have any suggestions.

Of course, all 30+ of mine are still the old firmware. I tried ordering new ones a few months ago straight from Jasco and from Amazon - got more of the old firmware. That being said, all of the drivers (in-box or my user one) should support the newer firmware versions.

Now, if there is a BUG in the newer firmware that causes reports to die after a zwave repair, well I'm not sure a driver can really help with that... I guess you could try hitting CONFIGURE on the driver details page instead of power cycling though (if you didn't already).

only other thing maybe 1 zwave device is faulty causing problems for the other devices.
After a zwave repair when you have no motion reporting try removing power (leave power off) 1 zwave device at a time and see if the other devices (still powered) start reporting motion.
odds are the last device to remove power will be the problem device then you may have to repeat this whole process 1-2 times in a different order.
When I say say remove power from 1 zwave device at a time I mean all your zwave devices not just the motion switches.


Its odd - but replicable. Ill investigate and see if I can discover something. Thanks for the suggestions.

Hitting configure seems to allow a single motion cycle ... it will show motion active if they have been triggered but only the one time. Really is odd! Nothing in the logs either to show motion detected.

I had a zwave (non motion) switch that would disable my schlage door lock whenever manually pressed.
If I activated the switch remotely from the hubitat device page it worked fine and never affected the lock.
They had no rules together.
The only way to find it was one device at a time (real pain)