It's not always the hubs fault. :)

In the past month I've woken up a couple of times in the middle of the night to see that my bathroom light is on.
The past logs didn't go back far enough and in the events for the fan it just said fan turning on.
For the life of me I couldn't work out what was going on.
Then last night I noticed the fan on AND the exhaust fan.
Then the penny dropped.
I have a rule that will turn the bathroom exhaust fan on if humidity goes above 80% and also the light if the lux level is below a certain level.
Looking at the events for the humidity sensor it would very occasionally throw in a reading in the hundreds of % thus triggering the rule.
I have now modified the rule so that it looks for humidity between 80 and 100%.
This should stop this from happening.

I just thought I would share this as I was convinced it was the hub throwing out random events when I should have trusted the hub and looked at my rules and devices.
Happy New Year folks. :+1::grinning:


Had something similar happen to me. I'm using the Xiaomi temp sensors. Every now and then they would throw a humidity value in the hundreds. Digging into it a bit more I think it has to do with some kind low battery warning. As they got low in battery the issue would pop up. When I replaced the battery it would go away.

Ah Ha!!!!! :thinking:
Mine is a Xiaomi as well.
Battery life is looking OK but I know battery reporting can be sketchy at best with these.
I'll set up a rule to notify me when it reports above 100% and see how often its happening.
Thanks for the heads up.

Good to know I'm not the only one.

I first reported it to @veeceeoh in the thread below as a heads up in case anybody else may come across it.

On the sensor still kicking the error I have my min voltage set to 2.54 and max set to 3.23 and the battery is reporting at 38%. I think it should die any day now based on the other that were showing this behavior as well.

I've modified the code to give a min of 2.9 and a max of 3.055.
These are the lowest and highest I've seen in the logs so I decided to give them a try.

Based on my limited experience 2.54 is too low, at least for my aqara motion & flood devices. not sure about temp/humidity tho