iStatistica API Temp Sensor Plug In Device

I have a Mac Mini I use a server for stuff like Node Red, Plex etc. It lives in a network cabinet in attic space above my garage. Due to some recent overheating issues I wanted a way to track the server temps and turn on a couple of fans in the rack automatically, if things got too hot.
I installed iStatistica, along with the sensors plug in and enabled the web server.
I created a Hubitat device that performs a HTTP Get request at a specified interval, using the API command for sensor values.
All the sensors are listed as attributes and the results look like this:

Null Attributes mean that particular sensor is not installed.
I've added the sensors from my iMac as well as the Mac Mini check the results from different machines.

It's easy enough to add or remove attributes/sensors if your hardware differs. The easiest way I found is to make the API call from a browser. The result should look something like this:
"PCH Die" : "48",
"Airflow 2" : "37",
"Airport Proximity" : "36",
"Memory Proximity" : "28",
"CPU 1" : "42",
"CPU 1 Proximity" : "40",
"Power Supply 1 Alt." : "37",
"Mem Bank A1" : "39",
"CPU 1 Package" : "42",
"PECI SA" : "38",
"CPU Core 1" : "42",
"PCH Proximity" : "39",
"PECI CPU" : "40",
"Airflow 1" : "38",
"Mem Module A1" : "40",
"PECI GPU" : "42"

From that you can see if any modifications to the driver are required.
iStatistica Sensors Device

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