@bravenel Sorry to bother you for the second time in one day..
I'm having issues with the new Hub Mesh feature. This is what I am finding:
If a device is shared from Hub A to Hub B then:
Device updates from Hub A to Hub B are fairly instantaneous
If you control the device from the device page in Hub B then commands go through fairly instantaneously as well
However, if you had a Rule Machine rule on Hub B that is controlling a device through Hub Mesh on Hub A... then the commands seem to go through sporadically - sometimes not at all, sometimes with a delay but definitely not right 100% of the time
I see a few errors that look like they happened while trying to create a linked device. Which device was that? The logs aren't that specific.
There are (unrelated) parse errors for UFH Thermostat and AC Zone 1: Controller. I'm mentioning them because they spam logs...
Finally, I see several errors related to the scheduler. What were the rules that didn't trigger? Some rules schedule things to run at a certain time, and these errors might be related. Please let me know.
Ok you are looking all over the place but most things are working (at least from my point of view) well.
The specific issues relating to Hub Mesh were the following:
After upgrading to the latest firmware I wanted to move over all the devices that are currently using hubconnect to hub mesh.
I started with the most common - I have a large number of wall button controllers that are directly connected to the secondary hub
They are connected to the main hub through hub connect, and on the main hub I use rule machine to decide what to do when a button is pressed. Depending on the device, some commands control devices local to the main hub, and some (but fewer) actually control devices back on the secondary hub
What I noticed immediately upon switching the button controllers to hub mesh and then changing the rules to point to the new hub mesh devices was:
Pressing the buttons registered in the main hub straight away (when looking at the device pages)
trying to control non button devices (like lights) from the hub mesh device pages on the main hub also still controlled them really fast and well
However the Rule machine rules for the buttons, in the cases where a command would need to be sent to the secondary hub failed most of the time or there was a massive lag.
I tried rebooting my system , rebooting the router - I also upgraded to the very latest firmware released a few hours ago and tried playing around with the rules - but they remained unreliable. As soon as I switched the rules and the devices back to HubConnect it started working perfectly as before. So my conclusion is there is an issue relating to sending commands on a second hub when the command originates from Rule machine on the first hub. It could also be the case that if the trigger comes from the second hub that this could also impact the reliability... that is possible as well based on what I have seen,
Which button controllers were giving trouble? I don't necessarily have the devices, but I'll try to reproduce the setup as closely as feasible and test.
Any of the buttons, where the rule that was controlling their actions needed to send commands back to the secondary hub had issues. However, buttons where all the actions were with devices on the main hub only were totally fine (and potentially a little bit less lag than with HubConnect).