Is there an app that turns a dimmer with the relay off into a smart bulb dimmer?

You don't need to make 4 rules: use Rule Machine with a "Button Device" trigger type (not "Button"), and you'll get more or less the old Button Controller app interface. You can then assign actions to each button/event, all in that one rule. I'd assing button 1 pushed to your "on" actions, button 2 pushed to your "off" actions, button 1 held to "start raising dimmers," button 2 held to "start lowering dimmers," and buttons 1 or 2 released both to "stop raising/lowering dimmers."

Personally, I got tired of choosing the same lights in each set of actions, however. I wrote Dimmer Button Controller to simplify that process for me; it may or may not be something you like that would work for this purpose. (I was really aiming to emulate a Hue Dimmer, so there is a bit more in there.)

EDIT: If you're on the newest Zooz firmware, then I think Mirror Me below would work, too--the dimmer on that firmware keeps track of internal state and level even when the "relay" is disabled. I have never tried it in that configuration.

I believe all of these ideas have also been suggested in various threads threads you've started on the same topic.