Is there a way to manage the middle push button in the Caseta Fan switch

I need to manage a task (probably through Rule Machine) when I push the middle button of my Caseta smart fan switch. Looks like a Pico, but it's not a pico. I don't want to add a pico in my bathroom, especially if I have that unused button, stairing at me...

All buttons, except this one, are functionning as expected. And I don't know how to retrieve the status (pushed) of this button.
I have a Smartbridge Pro, the Lutron Integration is installed. Hubitat C-5, firmware

I searched but didn't find a clue.

Lutron devices that control loads do not produce button events as such they cant be used to program other devices independent of their attached loads.


thank you for the quick answer, even if the result is not what I hoped for.

As @mike.maxwell said, I'm not aware of a way to make use of the middle button with HE but I use Node-RED to handle Lutron Picos and, though I don't have the exact device you do, I think it would work for you too.

In this flow I use the middle button to cycle through 5 pre-determined color temps. The middle button is the bottom output of the switch. You could even use the middle button to do something totally unrelated, like trigger the fido/fluffy feeder to drop breakfast. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Op wants to use middle button of a caseta fan controller, not a pico...


It's not intended for use on the Pico either, AFAICT, but it generates a message with an empty string ("") for a payload. That makes is usable because the other buttons generate on/off/up/down so the middle button is distinguishable. As I said, I don't have the same remote the OP has but I'm willing to bet his devices does the same or similar.

Just because HE does not expose the middle button (assumption on my part) doesn't mean it's not a thing.

The OP doesn’t have a Pico Remote of any sort. They have a Caséta fan SWITCH. None of the buttons on any Caséta switch or dimmer generate events. And this is irrespective of platform.

Finally, FWIW, regarding 5 button Picos. Hubitat recognizes events from all 5 buttons. That missing event with the center button is an issue with the Node-RED Caséta integration you are apparently using.


I'll have to take your word for it but it strains the "smart" designation, IMO.

So I did some investigation and found that it's even worse, the event generation is intentionally blocked so that people have to move up to the more expensive RA(2/3) line to get those functions. I'm glad I never needed Caseta devices other than the Picos.

It's not missing, it generates an empty string. Granted, it's not the most descriptive but it's every bit as useful as "Hey! The middle button was pressed."

What would you like to bet? :slight_smile:


My mother-in-law's life. :laughing:

@marktheknife @aaiyar
thank you both of you.
I don't want to argue with terms, but my problem is related to a switch, not a remote. I have some picos and I know how to program them (from button 1 to 5, including long press).
I'm also using node-red (for other purposes), so I'm really open to learn something new here about this.
To make a summary here: in my caseta app, there is no option to manage this extra button. On the smart switch doc, the central button is just used to make a default setting for the fan speed.
I didn't find on HE rules a way to manage the button of this kind of switch (because, caseta switch is not a regular switch).
Maybe you found a way to intercept the signal from the central button to the caseta gateway ? But maybe the central button even don't send any data to the caseta gateway (absolutely no clue here) ?

Anyway, don't want to initiate a fight here about Caseta :unamused:
If you find really a solution, feel free to describe it here: I'm all ears. Node-red, TTL, whatever, I'm listening.

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Just in case (I'm curious), I put the node-red-contrib-lutron into my NR and made some test with my real switch.
I obtain values when I change the fan speed (25/50/100/0) with the physical switch or when I manage it through HE.
I have no results when I push the middle button :unamused:

I'm not at home but while not programmable, does the middle button show anything in the event log? If so that may be useable with Event Engine

This is my understanding. The center round button on a Caseta Fan Controller is simply a “Favorite Fan Speed” button. It will change the fan speed to whatever value the user has manually configured the Fan Speed Controller to use. If the Favorite Speed different from the current speed, the Fan Controller will then update the SmartBridge Pro, and thus Hubitat, with the new “current fan speed.”

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in my case: Shower Fan was set to 50.0%

That gives me an idea...
I could manage this particular setting to create a rule:
if fan is set to 50% (aka middle button pushed) then

  • task I need to do when I push that button
  • shut down the fan immediately

fan switch reports medium

That means my fan won't be used at 50%. I don't care, when I switch it, I put it at 25% or 100% :smiley:

The side effect is that someone normally set the fan speed to 50% (by the arrow on the switch or programmed), my task will be launched.

Update: tested my rule: :dark_sunglasses:
And if I use the arrows on the switch, I'll go faster than any rule => 0 => 25% => 75% => 100%