Is there a way to get Current State for a Virtual Presence sensor through MakerAPI?

I'm looking into using the MakerAPI to create my own app. I just noticed that the Virtual Presence device doesn't seem to have a command that allows you to retrieve the current state. Anyone figure a way around that?

When i look at the device json from Maker API, it shows only these two commands. None for refresh.

"commands": [{
"command": "arrived"
}, {
"command": "departed"

Anyone work around this?

This should work:[Device ID]?access_token=xxxx and it returns currentValue.

{"id":"713","name":"Moto G7 Power for HVAC Presence","label":"Moto G7 Power HVAC","attributes":[{"name":"presence","currentValue":"present","dataType":"ENUM","values":["present","not present"]}],"capabilities":["PresenceSensor",{"attributes":[{"name":"presence","dataType":null}]},"Sensor"],"commands":["arrived","departed"]}

Ah ha, no command gets the current state. Cool. Thanks.