Is my new hub bricked?

Hi there, I was setting up my C-7 hub this morning. It appeared to go without an issue. I was able to register, connect to the cloud, and download drivers for the only device I was trying to set up: Otherwise, I didn't set up anything on the hub.

Several hours later I had set up konnected and wanted to link it up. I found that the hubitat hub was offline. I checked the router and the hub still shows up and takes up an IP address. I'm able to ping this address. However. the web interface is gone, I get refused to connect. Port :8081 also doesn't give me anything. No lights on.

I had the device plugged in to an UPS but didn't realize that it was plugged in to the non-battery side. I may have switched power off where the UPS was plugged in because I couldn't figure out which switch my security system was on. Could a power-loss have bricked it?

I'd make sure you are using http. Most browsers default to https if you don't put that in first. If still nothing I'd try power cycling the hub. Disconnect at the outlet, not the hub.