Is my C7 a brick?

I have a C7 that allows me to get to the diagnostic interface, however, after changing to every platform available and multiple soft resets at each platform the main UI is stuck at initializing 15%.
Is this thing a brick?

try a search for : initializing 15%
there are a few people that this has happened .. you may find a answer ..

Unlikely. If doing the soft reset is not working you may have to do a FULL RESET and make sure you're updated to the latest platform and start over. It's gonna suck. Before you go that far though go to and click warranty and put in a ticket. Someone from @support_team will contact you.

See this Thread: C8 unresponsive - initializing 15% updating database - #73 by mhmatttu

@bobbyD you have another one.

Keep in mind staff is usually less active on weekends so you may not get any response from them today. This is a rare issue recently and they are already working on it.

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Instructions for how to potentially get un-stuck.


Not sure if I understand "step 2. Navigate to end point". Does he mean just paste it into a browser with my IP? If so this isn't working.

To do a full reset, do I have to cancel my subscription or is there someone who can help me reset this thing without having to drop my subscription and re-subscribe? That would really suck

Yes. What do you mean it’s not working? Error or it’s not fixing the problem? You have to be able to boot the main platform for it to work. Did you use the button in advanced to go back to 2.3.7?

Not fixing the problem. I installed the old platform from the advanced tab. Sent the disable debug url, rebooted, did the soft reset, and still stuck at initializing 15%.

As it seems you have nothing to lose, have you tried going back to a really early OS and see if you can load that?

To download a previous version to the following
Your hub/hub/advanced/downloadPlatform/223

Then go to the diagnostic tool and click Restore Previous Version and you should see

Try restoring to that and see if it loads. Then if it does go back to a later version.

Worth a try at least.

What is your diagnostic tool version?
When you rolled back to 2.3.7 did the main platform boot? That’s the only way the endpoint would work I think.

Did you also clear the logs with the soft reset?

I cleared the logs with every soft reset. The 2.3.7 version will allow me to get to the diagnostic page and after soft reset will have a link to go to the main UI which stays at initializing 15%

Yeah if the main platform wont boot then I am guessing the endpoint just times out and does not give you back a message?

I would just send a PM to @bobbyD and let him know you tried the steps in the post but still cannot get it running again. They might have some other tricks that are not being posted in public.

Also, you did not confirm your diagnostic tool version. I think it needs to have updated to .128 (or .129 is out now it seems) for the clear logs to wipe out the problematic z-wave debug logs. So if yours is still stuck on 126 that might be why its not working.

I won't be home to check it until this evening, however, I do seem to recall the diagnostic tool version being 1.1.126. How do I update that to a newer version?

It is supposed to update by itself. There is an endpoint to force it but I think the main platform needs to boot for that to work. I asked if it could update itself without the main platform but never got an answer back on that one, so it might be stuck on 126 until the platform can boot.

It sounds like you have hub protect with cloud backups? If that's the case @bobbyD may just have you do the full reset, I think there is a way they can fix the subscriptions for you afterwards. You will have to get specific instructions from him on that part.

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Thanks for all your help. I'll get with Bobby when I'm in front of it later.

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The goal here is to be able to get to the hub's web interface (get passed the 15%), however possible, by reverting to an earlier version or successfully running a Soft Reset. Then delete the Z-Wave logs by disabling the logger and rebooting the hub. If you are stuck on 15%, the only way to recover is running Full Reset, then registering the hub, which gives you the option of restoring a cloud back if you are a Hub Protect subscriber.

Let me know when you are in front of it. I'll be glad to further assist.

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I'm finally able to look at it. My question is how do I do a full reset without canceling my current subscription?

You should send a PM to @bobbyD
You don't cancel your subscription, I think possibly they have to do something in the back end to attach it to your hub again after you do the reset.

I think you already downloaded a bunch of your local backups? Make sure you do that first if not.

You should be able to just do a full reset now as he stated above, then register it to your same email account. Then you should be able to see your cloud backups for a restore. If there is a subscription issue he can sort that out afterwards.

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I don't understand how to cancel my active subscription in order to do a full reset.

I just canceled my subscription. I still can't do a full reset because the diagnostic tool says I have an active subscription.

I'm about at my wit's end with this thing.