I currently have a C-5 hub with a EU Zigbee frequency USB stick and I would like to know if it is possible to add a second USB Zigbee stick (US frequency) to it or, even better, if the hub has the US Zigbee radio builtin, is there a way to enable it?
Thanks in advance.
US and EU zigbee frequency are exactly the same. If you meant z-wave, then it isn't possible to use the internal z-wave radio and an external z-wave radio at the same time.
Depending on locality, it may also be illegal to use a frequency unlicensed for your country, too...
That being said, it is theoretically possible to run two hubs linked together to use two z-wave frequencies at once. Legal? Unlikely. Possible? Yes.
@aaiyar Yep, Z'Wave ... my mistake.
@adamkempenich Now I'm trying to link a ST (US) to the HE (Europe) - it should do the trick. So far no success, but I'm persistent - or stubborn depending from the angle of the observer ...
Thanks for the answers!
How are you trying to link them together?
Using HubConnect for Hubitat.
Interesting. What errors are being thrown?
The solution has an ST SmartApp to configure the client and when I tried to use it at ST iOS app I could not complete the configuration. This is what I’ve got:
So, I’m stuck.
Do you have a DHCP reservation in for both hubs so their IPs don't change?
all that "raw HTML" suggests you're using the incorrect ST app.. use the Classic App.