I would like to be able to either hide or shrink this column:
Basic reason is I capture my RM rules with a screen capture (for possible re-entry). Or write them in a text editor before entering them in RM. This approach has saved me a lot of work in the past and it seems the best for me.
Anyway my monitor ( not a phone) is not wide enough the display both the screen shot and the RM input pages.
if you shrink the width of your webpage enough, it will auto hide and give you the burger icon to expand it again
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I've seen that, however in my system when I widen the window again it comes back.
I am not very adept at RM, I find the extra room makes it easier for me to create rules.
Firstly you do know that it's now possible to export and import rule machine rules don't you?
If you still prefer a screen shot, you can also capture full screen, no matter the length with this Chrome extension. It will get the entire page by scrolling as it captures. You can create incredibly long screen captures with it.
Really? I dont see that option anywhere. Please enlighten me
In the apps tab, click on Rule Machine, it is the third option down once you enter the main app.
Ah, found it. thank you. I was looking under the actual rule itself.
Thank you.
Yes I have been using the export / import function. However the rule cannot be modified by working with the exported file. Nor can you "see" the rule after it has been exported. So I take a screenshot and save it with the same name as the exported rule.
You can't do that with a screenshot either.
I think this is where cloning comes in. You clone each rule, and stop them so they don't subscribe to events, nor do they run. They are your backup rules, in addition to the exported ones. You can see them, open them in a new window while editing the other rule, and so on.
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that's an interesting concept. never thought of doing this for rules before
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