In HomeAssistant I had a panel that I set up that only displayed lights or switches that were on, doors that were open, etc. The device only showed up if the device was on, open etc. It was really convenient to just glance at the panel to see that someone left the door open.
Effectively yes. Just set the background and colour for the off state to the same colour as the page background (I use a black background) and then any colours you want for the on state. I do it for my "boiler on" switch, so it is blank when off and green with a flame icon when on.
That can certainly work for a controlled group of devices and I may just do that for some important devices. I was hoping there was a way to have a single panel that would only populate with on, open, or triggered devices from any of my devices. If one door was open, that would become the first and only tile in the 1st column, first row.
That sort of functionality is going to need an app I think.
My way is a bit limited and finding the switch if you want to move it and it's off is interesting!
A reason to create an "All on" button.