Is it just me or

Can you not help yourself and keep tweaking rules when you figure out how it could be made more efficient or somehow just done totally differently? It's nice that there are so many different ways to get something done.


I haven't looked at 95%+ of my rules in 12-18 months. They work, I leave them alone.


This is my favorite part of home automation when everything work 98% to 100% of how you want it to work and it’s the small tweaks that make them more precise or just slightly better or more consistent.

I have found that several of my automations work better when i’m less heavy handed and just kinda let them do their thing… much to my surprise of course :smirk:


My problem with rules is that some of them have been in place for so long that when I need to make a modification it sometimes takes a while to understand what I was thinking when I first set it up.


No, it's not just you. Just because something is working perfectly fine doesn't mean you should leave it alone. There may be medication for this, I don't know.


You must have too much free time. I suggest you spin up a Home Assistant instance so that you can deal with breaking changes with each update.


you mean like constantly modifying webcore pistons :grin:


It's not just you.

That's so reasonable and healthy.
How dare you!


It helps that my wife and I have very rigid/predictable habits. Same bedtime, same get up times (within a specific range), etc.

There is very little chaos, so very few edge cases in our rules.

Ah so clearly no kids?

My kids were very regimented on their schedules, too. :slight_smile:

They are both in college now though.


I wish. My wife and I have completely random schedules every month. NOTHING is routine.

I think that is more normal, which is why I pointed my situation out. My (albeit large set of) simple rules probably wouldn't work well for a lot of people.

Many of the "smart home" things that I want to do cannot be accomplished with such a fluctuating schedule. OR, they require deep programming logic.