IRIS V3 Keypad issues

Is there a problem with the IRIS V3 keypad.? Here are my issues.

  1. I can press the "ON" button and the system will arm. Not a problem.
  2. When I attempt to turn the alarm OFF I have to press the number keys several times before I get the loud beep which seems to indicate my input is being accepted. I.E. My disarm code is 1111. I press the "1" key several before getting a loud beep. Then when I have pressed it four times with a loud beep each time the alarm disarms.
  3. Within a few seconds of entering the disarm code the alarm automatically arms itself.

What am I doing wrong here? There are a lot of things on the keypad page and the documentation does not explain what they are or what you are supposed to do with them so any help here would be appreciated.

I deleted the keypad, reset it, and re-paired it hoping I could get it working properly. Now using the app I can arm and disarm it. I can press the "ON" button and arm it but it will not respond to the motion sensor to trigger an alert like it did when I first set it up and I still can't disarm it by inputting the code and pressing the "OFF" button.

Surly someone must know how to set up a keypad to arm and disarm a security.

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