Anyone have any tips on pairing the below iris 3450-l2 iris smart fob. I tried regular zigbee and iris v2 pairing and neither work even after replacing with new battery . Did the remove bater replace it, and pushing button 8 times
hard to tell if it is just defective because i'm getting no lights..if i recall when i had it with smartthings it would blink red light in the background
It's a normal zigbee device. I think it works like this: remove the battery, wait for few seconds, reinstall the battery and within 10 seconds press any button 5 times. That will factory reset the device.
After that, take the battery out again, reinstall it and press any button until the led starts to flash.
I have 2. Mine blink green, but it's very hard to see. Go in a dark room to see the blink. If it's not flashing for join, it won't work. If not blinking, check the battery seating(+ facing out) and if you can check battery with a multimeter for over 3 volts.
Oh wow, thanks guys...good tip, yes in fact I am getting the green blink when I press a button, it is super faint.
However, still having trouble with pairing questions
-1 After I do the reset procedure and when I press the button after putting the battery back in the green light should flash until I join right not just once?
-should i be using the iris v1 zigbee join or regular zigbee