As i undertand it Iris is uploading the open source code to
I was wondering if anyone has been looking at it and found anything interesting?
@srwhite I will appreciate if you add some comments of this, I bet you have something interesting to tell us, like what to do with our future new brick hubs. Thanks
Oh I have some interesting things to share, mainly that I've already had a look at the full Iris code which has not been published. Like Hubitat, their hub runs on Java as well. It uses a similar driver model, with device match parameters, configuration methods, and a similar events model. Some of the code even uses Groovy imports to bring in specific functions.
Access to that code hasn't been made public yet, however despite several commits Lowe's has still left access to it buried in the mobile app code.
Here is some more info on the open source release.
Does this mean that we might be able to reuse the Iris hubs themselves?
Maybe, but why would you want to?
No but you can build Arcus on the Rpi maybe... certainly on a spare/unused desktop with linux on it.