IR control for AC mini-splits

Thank you for the detailed response.

I have to do some reading on eControl and IHC.

Thank you for saving me from a lot of frustration, but that really sucks.

My Tp-link router has a guest network check box that says: Allow Guest To Access My Local Network.

In the definitions it states Allow Guest To Access My Local Network - If enabled, guests can communicate with hosts.

Any idea if this will allow the guest network to work with the Broadlink? (Probably a Tp_link support question.)

It should allow you to access and control the RM devices... But, with that option enabled, it's really a secondary gateway not a guest network...

If your main wifi network supports 2.4GHz, it should work without using the guest network. The fact that your main network supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz is immaterial... A device will only connect on one frequency at a time... 5GHz capable devices will choose the 5GHz frequency, the 2.4GHz devices will choose the 2.4GHz frequencies...

I agree however see paragraph 2. Copied from Broadlink app. I have one SSID using the router's "Dual Band Selection Option". The 5G is a remnant from when I had it split. When I combined it, I kept the 5G network id so I did not have to reconnect most of the Wifi devices.

I just went through this. the broadlink will see the 2.4ghz band only. the thing you need to make sure of is that the phone/tablet you use to do the initial setup is on the same 2.4gz band as well. After set up is complete there is no reason to do this again. I disabled the 5ghz radio on my synology router just to force my phone to connect to the 2.4ghz temporarily. after setup was complete just turn the 5ghz radio back on.


Thank you. That is really helpful information.

That's depressing and reason enough for me not to use either one.

Just make sure that when you turn the 5gz radio off the SSID stays the same as it was before. Mine didnt it added "_2.4ghz" to the end of the SSID name. so i just deleted that exta bit from the SSID. Your router may not do this but it probably will. It sounds messy but its really not

Why is it depressing? Just use the ihc app instead.

The practice to disable local functionally is depressing to me. I don't appreciate companies building in planned obsolescence to any product.


Please post the link for that app. I have no idea what it is.

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I agree with that completely!

All i have to say is im glad I got one. I am controlling my garage mini-split and the stereo in my garage. It just WORKS and fast! and @cybrmage is always on top of any requests or fixes.

Which device are you using?

Broadlink RM3Mini

Looks like this is the only RM3 still in production, right? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to try one of these, roll some homebrew ESP8266 magic or buy another Logitech hub. These are so tiny and cheap it's hard not to try one.

There is also a pro version that does RF as well.

It hasn't disappointed me yet.

Just plain fantastic! Loving your app. Where can I find the instructions to avoid cloud locking my RM4(which i bought due to a messed up listing)

Thank You the integration is working excellent

If you have already cloud locked the device, the Broadlink Manager App will tell you when you try to configure it...

If you haven't locked it yet, follow the procedure in this POST

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Oh sorry, didn't realise that. Good news.

Hello @cybrmage did you delete the files from your drive? I get 404 error.