Life360 and Locative have both been ~99% reliable on our iPhones.
Yeah I’m using Life360 too and it seems reasonable. Will keep tinkering to see how to improve.
I had some initial related problems. After a ton of trial and error and frustration - I did come to learn that the Hubitat app was a fault source - not the phone per se. The device created at the HE side was being given a name 'iPhone' (in my case). I didn't want that name, so changed the device name to 'Jims phone'. I was also copying the device name to device label.
When I did this, the app began failing in wierd ways. it would connect and report once, then stop ... and sometimes just not work at all.
I switched phones and went to an android. it worked for a good long while - then I changed it one day and into HE Presence Hell I went. At first I couldn't determine what was the cause, then I realized I had upper cased the name ... in effect changing the Device name.
My solve was to delete the devices created by the app, clear the app off the phone, start over and this time I didn't touch the HE created device in the hub. My android hasn't failed since. HOWEVER. I don't trust the HE presence (and the phone OS is always changing too) so I added Owntracks and use Presence Plus to combine the two sensors. I have not had a problem since.
You can change the name of the device in the iOS app’s settings screen. Probably Android too (but I can’t say from personal experience).