[iOS Mobile App Beta 2.0.0] Known issues in build 257

Usually just send report helps, but if you add what was happening at the moment of the crash helps a lot.

You can see the current build on the Test Flight app


Sorry, no.

Using update on Test Flight from version 239 to 240 gives momentary flash screen of From the Developer and immediate crash.

Deleting the app and doing fresh install from Test Flight gives login screen. Then after login and choosing hub, immediate crash.

iPhone SE with iOS 17.4.1
However, no crash after update with iPad Pro 10.5 inch, iPad OS 17.4.1

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Same as @672southmain here with 240, no change from 239 for me

Are anyone seeing error on hubs logs at the time the app crashes? That may help track down the exception.

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Build 241 should be the one fixing this, anyone can confirm?


Build 241 no longer crashes on open. Seems to work ok, however all notifications are gone (for all hubs).

EDIT : not working OK, when I switch hubs, it switches back to the previous hub on its own.

never saw any, on any of the hubs.

Hey @moncho1138 this behaviour is really strange. I can access the two hubs for which there are favourite devices selected, but when I switch to the third one, with no favourite devices, it snaps back to one of the first two hubs (always the same one). Of course it may be totally unrelated to favourite devices, but that's the only thing I can think of that is different for the third hub in the app (another difference is it doesn't have an HSM instance)

Is there a way to share screen recordings with you? Would be a helluva lot easier to share issues.

If you have iCloud space you can put the video in there and then make a share link (I think).
Or you can upload it to dropbox / onedrive and create a share link there. I think I used dropbox to send them a video in the past.

Well, it’s better. No longer an immediate crash on open. Was able to switch hubs (C-8 to C-5 and back) and connect to hub. However, after switching hubs, something I touched on the screen caused a crash, difficult to reproduce. Nothing in the Hub’s logs. I will try to come up with a reproducible case.

C-8 and C-5 on

iPhone SE on iOS 17.4.1
Hubitat mobile app (241) auto-updated by Test Flight.

I've only had the crash issue once. However, for some time now and continuing in this version Z wave Smart Start does not work. I scan the code, name the device, then the screen goes back blank, and the device never adds. While I have hade this issue with Aeotec and Zooz, the most recent have been Zooz Devices, most recently a Zooz ZSE81LR motion sensor. I can still add devices outside the mobile app in the normal inclusion process.

When trying to switch to either of my 2 other hubs, it immediately switches back to the main hub it was on. Force closing and reopening the app brings the app up with the hub I was trying to switch to.


I have been seeing an issue where when I have enable geo fencing the new app it shows I am always a few miles aways from where I am actually at so when I am home none of my actions run as the app thinks I am outside the Geo Fence

While additional enhancements are in development, one thing you might want to try, is to make sure your hub's location coordinates are set to your preferred location. Go to hub then Settings then Hub Details. Set the correct latitude and longitude, save then reboot the hub. Then uninstall the Mobile app and reinstall it. When you enable the geofence, it should pick the right location.

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thanks I completely forgot I could change that. I am all set now!


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