Internal temp of hub accessible?

I was wondering if there are stats that are accessible from the hub that we can use in rules (in this instance I was thinking about internal temperature of the hub). I want to possible turn on a fan near my hub if the temp gets too hot.

Thanks !


Is a URL that’ll return the temperature.


@djw1191 thanks!!! I can do what is needed with that and node red. I love all these hidden urls , is there a comprehensive list of all of them?

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Yes but it is hidden.

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Of course /hub/advanced/internalTempCelsius isn't listed in that thread... yet.

Well this is very revealing. (Thanks for posting the url @djw1191).

I have 3 hubs all situated on their side in the same 'rack' about 6 inches apart.

C3 returns 55. (I'm assuming Celsius).
C5 returns 49.
C7 returns 41.

Not sure how accurate the readings are but I assume I can write a rule to get the temps reported. Will have to investigate.

All I know is that of my 5 hubs my two C4 run SIGNIFICANTLY hotter than my C5 or C7s.

Is that a problem? Probably not. Just an observation.

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The temperature ranges that I see so far would not concern me. Mind you, that is based on neither having looked inside a hub nor found any published operating temperature specification.

85C would get my attention, as would frequent and dramatic temperature swings (say +/-20C). Remember that "hot to the touch" may only be 40C, but that is nothing to any modern semiconductor.

I'm not worried about it. The hubs in question have been running for over a year with no issues.

Now, I will say that I have gotten them to overheat and lockup a few different ways... lol. But that's another story.

C5: 36C
C7: 37C

C5 is in basement, the other here in the computer room.