Since it is one of my only Z-Wave devices whose status (sometimes) doesn't update in Hubitat, I hereby nominate the Schlage Dimmer Module RP200 for an "official" integration. Right now, it's bumping along pretty well using the "Generic Z-Wave Dimmer" (not "Plus", not "Smart") and I can live with that.
But if such a driver were forthcoming, and it could potentially solve my C-7's somewhat chronic "Says it's OFF in the UI when it's really ON" issue -- which in turn prevents my Mirror Me rules from firing whenever the connected lamp is manually turned ON, for instance -- then it gets my vote.
I know... probably too old a device for anyone else to care.
Thanks for listening though.
Are the changes that don't get reported back only physical changes, i.e., pressing the button on the device (rather than commands from Hubitat)? If so, it's probably old enough to not have the "instant status" feature, which Lutron had a patent on (expired in 2016) and most companies chose not to license--even though this would have been a good feature to have in every device. You don't normally run into this issue with new devices (roughly corresponding to the transition from Z-Wave to Z-Wave Plus, but there is no technical reason--just coincidental timing).
The Z-Wave Poller app is one solution to that problem. You could also write a Rule that does something similar manually, but Poller is likely better since it will start throttling the requests if it doesn't think the device is responding (which might ultimately be better for you network--and it's not great to do this for a ton of devices or more frequently than you have to). Putting it in a lesser-used area or somewhere where you might not need to know the current status is one option, or some would tell you to sell it on eBay and get something more modern.
In any case, this is unlikely to be an issue a driver could solve on its own for the above reason. You'll probably just need use a solution like this if status matters for your automations (and if it doesn't, I'd probably just let it be).