Integrate Yale Z-Wave Lock from Hubitat to Google Home

Hi. I can't find where this has been asked before. Is there some reason I can't add my Yale z-wave locks that are added/working in my Hubitat to Google Home? GH app gets the easiest buy-in from other family members. Thanks.

If the built-in Google integration doesn’t allow for locks, you can always try the community integration:


Thank you so much. That took a minute (I had to do the name it again trick on step 23) but it works great. At least for voice activation. I don't suppose you also have a slick link that explains how to get a lock/unlock button working for this type of integration with Google Home?

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If you haven’t already, I would recommend you ask on that thread. I use mostly Alexa, so although I know if this integration, I don’t use it myself.

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