Inovelli Red Series Switch LZW30-SN

I just installed my first two Inovelli Red Series Switch LZW30-SN and was wondering how I actually set up the scene controls? Do I need to use the custom drivers I've seen videos about or do I use the Inovelli driver that the switch defaulted to when pairing? I cannot figure out or even find how to set the tap features in hubitat.

The two switches are in the same room but on different circuits. I'm trying to set it up so when the switch by the door turns on it turns both lights on (easy IFTTT type rule). But then I want to set it so if I double tap the up button on either switch it turns the opposite light off. Then same rules when turning off the lights.

Thanks for the help!

Either way will work: Hubitat's built-in driver lets you use up to two taps, plus hold and release, on the paddle, as well as one tap (all the device itself supports) on the config button. For all five taps on the paddle, you'll need a custom driver like Inovelli's.

On the Z-Wave side, these taps send "scene" events, but on the Hubitat side, they get interpreted as button events. For example, with either of the above drivers, a single tap up is "button 1 pushed." (The rest tends to vary among drivers; two taps down, for example, is the logical "button 2 double tapped" with Hubitat's driver, the awkward event "button 2 held" on Inovellis, and the math-required "button 4 pushed" on a custom driver I wrote. Consult the docs, guess from live logs or event history, or ask if you aren't sure.)

You can use any app to configure automations based on these events, but the built-in Button Controller app would be a logical place to start. In any case, an app is the place to do it. Once you've got the device taking to Hubitat, you're pretty much done with that part (a side from any configuration you might want to make to the device itself). Automations are the domain of apps.

Hope this helps!

I recommend using the inovelli drivers from their git hub. There are plenty of instructions available to get these setup. Depending on what all you want done, the button controler makes it super easy. If you are setting them up the exact same (1 tap, light 1; 2 tap, light 2) then rule machine will let you select both devices at the same time and save you some clicks

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I just installed and set up a few Red dimmers and switches yesterday myself. ...First ones for me too. I had a heck of a time figuring out how to use the scene control. I ended up installing the Inovelli drivers and then used rule machine with button pushes as a trigger for the scene control. It's confusing because "pushed" in Hubitat indicates the up button and "Held" indicates the down button.... so "4 pushed" is a tap up 4 times. and "4 Held" is a tap down 4 times. Also, I initially thought I'd be able to set up scenes and control the switch in the "Groups and Scenes" app or even in the device settings page, but what I figured out is that I need to do it in Rule Machine. Maybe there is another way, but I haven't figured that out yet, if so.

Like I said, I'm new to this too, so maybe there is an easier way to set everything up, but this has been my experience and my solution.

Hey guys - first, thanks so much for the support, that really means a lot!

Second - we wrote up a quick Knowledge Base article on how to do this - hopefully it helps:

Just so we can improve, where did you look to try to find out how to set up scenes? I'd like to make it easier to find in the future.

Thanks again and have an awesome day!


Thanks for the help Eric! I was impressed with the red series switches and have already ordered another 2 black series dimmers and the 4 in 1 sensor.

On the black switches I noticed when I used the inovelli driver it set up a child driver for the leds. It was my understanding you couldn't do LED notifications on the black series units?

Hey thanks for the support, that really means a lot!

Correct on not being able to do notifications on the Black Series, but as for the child driver for LED's -- not sure (above my pay-grade) so I'll have to defer to @ericm :slight_smile:

The child device is there to change the color and intensity of the notification LED. The black series still allows for that.

I havent been able to change the level with the child Device only the color. Is there something I need to set in the prefrences?

@Hasty1 Right now the level needs to come in with the setColor command. I'm going to change that so you can just use setLevel if you want, but for now it isn't working like that:


Sounds good. I am trying to find a way to turn the light off for certain modes and on for others.

So how do I set the led to a different color when off and another color when on? I liked that feature when using Hubitatā€™s inovelli driver but canā€™t figure it out using the actual inovelli code

@Hasty1 Ok, the driver should now work with setLevel.

@bmott0817 That's a nifty feature. Haven't thought about that one. The official driver doesn't support that right now, but I can add it. You could do it with Rule Machine right now though:

If switch turned on
set color of LED indicator child device blue
set color of LED indicator child device red

@ericm It seems that the level setting is only adjusting the level of the device when switched on. Is there any way to have it adjust both levels? Even of the direct level adjusted the level when off and the level with color adjusted the level when on.

EDIT: I found where I can change this parameter in the code but don't want to lock my self into something that I have to change every time I update your drivers.

@ericm When can we expect a firmware update for instant on for red series dimmers?

???? I just installed a bunch of red series dimmers and switches. I noticed around a 3 sec lag when i first installed then I installed the driver from Inovelli and changed some settings no more delay when light comes on from the switch or zwave command. Running latest firmware 1.43 I think that's the latest

What settings did you change?

I think it was the ramp rates. I read about the delay on amazon after i purchased the dimmers. When I installed the first one I was like if this can't be fixed they all need be returned the delay was bad.

It will be a few weeks as the engineers are just wrapping up production firmware updates for the dimmer and switch. They will then work on an alternate version.

As @shawnx1 mentioned, the dimmer has a few settings you can adjust. Minimum level can be set to the value that your bulb comes on at and the ramp rate can be changed to 0 or 1 to greatly reduce the time to turn on the bulb.

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Appreciate the update