I just started migrating from SmartThings to Hubitat (c7). I have the latest hubitat firmware and the driver for inovelli dimmer driver code from Inovelli site and I am able to control the device from device page, and local switch actions for single press work fine too, but no matter what I tried, the double tap doesn't work. Tried both basic rule and button controller.
If I manually trigger the button 2 press / held from device page, the scenes are working fine, but double / triple tap on the button itself does not get recognized by hubitat hub. Nothing in logs.
I searched and found another post which said the "Disable Physical On/Off Delay" should be set to No, which was Yes in my case, but even after updating it to No (Default), no Set, or yes and then back to No, nothing seems to make a difference.
The scenes were working fine with double and triple tap in SmartThings. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I only have Blues (no Reds), but is there an available parameter named something like "Button Press Delay"? A zero setting would prevent multi-tap, so a typical setting is something like 300ms or 500 ms would be set to enable multi-tap.
Thanks for the feedback. I updated the parameter value which was blank to both 300ms and 400ms and still don’t see the multi tap events getting triggered. No entry in logs either
Thanks for info. The article I was following simply said to download the driver code. Never really knew about HPM. Just followed instructions from Inovelli to install HPM, and also installed the Device Firmware Updater app, but I am not seeing the target selection page when trying to update firmware for my red series dimmer switch.
How do I see what firmware version is on the switch currently, like the "Current States" screenshot you attached?
Just realized that the Current States is on the device page. I see below, and this is not listing the driver info.
Current States
energy : 0.099
groups : 4
held : 2
lastActivity : 2024 Jun 02 Sun 2:40:01 PM
level : 52
numberOfButtons : 8
power : 30
pushed : 2
switch : on
Should I simply remove the switch and add it back again? as I didn't have HPM installed when I first added the switch?
did you install the inovelli custom Red Series Dimmer Driver(latest) to the switch? After that, do a configure , then refresh from the device page.
If the firmware updater doesn't see the target after that, let's get a screenshot of your Z-wave details page.
Sorry, it appears there is more reading for me to do. Any good starting point for me?
So far, I added inovelli driver code, then added switch, then (just today) installed HPM, did a match, then update driver.
After that I installed zwave firmware updater app but it doesn't seem to work with my s2 red series dimmer, so started following the other way to update firmware, but now stuck on "please wake up your sleepy device" state.
If this helps troubleshoot, I just figured how to see current firmware on switch.
Current States
currentFirmwareVersion : 1.35
firmwareUpdateProgress : ABORTED
lockedBy : None
firmware : 1.35
firmware0 : 1.35
firmware1 : 1.34
lastActivity : 2024 Jun 02 Sun 3:27:56 PM
switch : off
I am unable to update the firmware with either way. When trying from device page using the driver code for zwave firmware update, I am runnign into sleepy device error. even updated the code to add the secureencap command
Ok some good news. I am not sure what exactly helped, but I now see that the multi tap is working fine. Obviously did too many things so not sure which one exactly helped, but I also had to reboot the switch using the air gap pullout in my attempts to update firmware. happy it works, but now it bugs me knowing I am running a very old firmware
If the device is paired S2, the built-in firmware updater doesn't work. Hopefully that missing capability will be addressed soon by @bcopeland, given that LR is now available and it requires S2.
In the meantime, you can try the steps below to update the firmware... Another user confirmed these steps don't work for LR, but they should work for your S2 Red as long as it's not paired LR.
Thanks. I tried using this updated firmware driver and it still fails with same sleepy device error. Glad that the multi tap is working at least. Maybe I will connect the red dimmer to my HA for firmware update and then connect back to HE.
I have been using HA and ST for a while with ST connecting all z-wave devices, but the integration b/w ST to HA is not local but ST does the alexa/GH integration better than HA, so hoping HE can replace ST and then integrate with HA for most of the rules/scenes.
EDIT: bummer.. updating the firmware for these in HA isn't as easy as I thought. It doesn't let me upload firmware files. Will just leave it and connect it back to HE.
Sorry - I was painting all afternoon.
I’m glad you got the double tap working.
Bummer about the FW update, but if it works, who cares
I may have missed it, are you paired to HE with no security?
Thanks for all the feedback and pointers to look at. yes, glad it works now.
I paired it without security now, and the firmware update (with patched driver) seems to go another step further and starts uploading firmware, but failed while uploading with an error saying device was unable to accept the firmware or something like that.
It’s been some time since I did the FW updates on these but I do remember not enjoying the process. Before HE had the built in FW updater there was (and still available) zwave updater app. I’m thinking I used that one. And I don’t remember if you have to do one cpu before the other. I hope somebody with a better memory than mine can chip in on this.
Ok, I think I am making progress on updating firmware. I moved the HE hub closer to the switch, and I think allowed it to upload the file (local to HE). Thank you all for the help!