I updated the firmware for my Inovelli LZW31-SN yesterday to version 1.52. Now there are some issues with Hubitat.
The switch works fine manually, and I can control the ON/OFF from Hubitat, however, the "Current States" is not refreshing. If I click OFF from the devices within the Hubitat page, the lights go off (assuming they were on) but the current states continues to show "ON". If I click the REFRESH button, the current states updates to the correct value (OFF in this case).
Any ideas what is wrong? This is the case for two switches, so seems like it's not the particular switch.
As a side note, I have some LZW31 (non-scene) switches that I updated yesterday also. This behavior is not present with those.
What driver are you using for these? If you have debug logging enabled, do you see any reports received from the switch after you change states, even if the state doesn't get updated in Hubitat? (This would likely be a BasicReport or a SwitchMutlilevelReport in the logs.) Just wondering if maybe the firmware update changed what comes in and the driver isn't looking for one, though it's odd that a refresh would still get it in that case.
I haven't updated any of mine yet but might try. Just guessing in the meantime.
I'm using the driver that is linked on the Inovelli webpage
Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN
Author: Eric Maycock (erocm123)
Date: 2021-01-13
I've not looked at the logs....didn't even think of that. I'll do that and post findings
EDIT: interesting with logs. If I click the ON or OFF button in the device page, the lights operate, but nothing gets reported to the logs. If I click the REFRESH button, there is logged information. No errors, just status on the switch.
EDIT2: I've rolled back the firmware to 1.48 and switch works just like before (automatically refreshes). As I'm not interested enough in the new firmware changes, I'll just stay with 1.48 for now.
When you updated the firmware, did you update both the .otz and the .bin files? (There is a .bin file that needs to be updated with the .otz for that version...)
Yes. Updated both OTZ and then BIN. I have since reflashed with version 1.48 OTZ and 1.47 BIN. The updates in Hubitat work just fine.
Seems like others have had some success and some have had same issue, so perhaps something in the firmware update that needs to be fixed in the future.