I copied code and got an error
unexpected token: g @ line 164, column 34.
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $) {
// Initial rulelist sortable
// Set initial input on page load
// Edit title button
$( document ).on( 'click', 'i.edit', function() {
// Get original value
var orig_value = $( this ).siblings( 'span.group_name' ).text();
// Create submit/cancel buttons and replace html
var edit_input = '<input type="text" class="edit_title_input" value="' + orig_value + '" /> <span class="button submit_edit">Submit</span> <span class="button cancel_edit">Cancel</span>';
$( this ).siblings( 'span.group_name' ).html( edit_input );
// Cancel edit title button
$( document ).on( 'click', 'span.cancel_edit', function() {
// Get original value
var orig_value = $( this ).siblings( 'input.edit_title_input' ).val();
// Replace title with original value
$( this ).parent().html( orig_value );
// Submit edit title button
$( document ).on( 'click', 'span.submit_edit', function() {
// Get new value
var new_value = $( this ).siblings( 'input.edit_title_input' ).val();
// Replace title with new value
$( this ).parent().html( new_value );
// Rebuild array
// Create section button
$( "span#create_group_button" ).click( function() {
// Get name from input
var name = $( 'input#new_group_name' ).val();
// If no name, alert and bail
if( name == '' ) {
alert( "Please enter a valid Group Name.");
return false;
// Create html for new container
var html = '';
html += '<div id="" class="rule_container">';
html += '<h4>';
html += '<span class="group_name">' + name + '</span>';
html += '<span class="group_rule_count"><em>(0 items)</em></span>';
html += '<i class="material-icons delete_group" title="Delete Group">delete</i>';
html += '<i class="material-icons expand" title="Toggle Open/Close">file_upload</i>';
html += '<i class="material-icons drag_handle" title="Drag/Sort">reorder</i>'
html += '<i class="material-icons edit" title="Edit Title">edit</i>'
html += '</h4>';
html += '<ul class="rulelist"></ul>';
html += '</div>';
// Append container to page
$( 'div#rules_container' ).append( html );
// Clear input field
$( 'input#new_group_name' ).val( '' );
// Rebuild array
// Initialize sort
// Delete section button
$( document ).on( 'click', 'i.delete_group', function() {
var this_delete = $( this );
// Confirm deletion
if( confirm( "Permenantly delete the group?\nAny remaining rules in this group will be moved to the Original Rules group." ) == true ) {
// Check if any rules exist in container
var check_rules = $( this_delete ).parent().siblings( 'ul' ).children();
// If rules are found
if( check_rules.length !== 0 ) {
// Copy rules and append to original rules container
var copy_html = $( this_delete ).parent().siblings( 'ul' ).html();
$( 'div#original-rules' ).find( 'ul.rulelist' ).append( copy_html );
// Remove container
$( this_delete ).parent().parent().remove();
// Rebuild array
// Toggle open/close
$( document ).on( 'click', 'i.expand', function() {
// Switch material icon from open/close
if( $( this ).text() == 'file_upload' ) {
$( this ).text( 'file_download' );
else if( $( this ).text() == 'file_download' ) {
$( this ).text( 'file_upload' );
// Toggle list
$( this ).parent().siblings( 'ul' ).toggle();
// Rebuild array
// Build new user array
function rebuildArray() {
// Define base array
var rb_array = [];
// Loop each container
$( 'div.rule_container' ).each( function() {
// Create container array and populate
var title = $( this ).children( 'h4' ).children( 'span.group_name' ).text();
var this_array = {};
this_array.name = title;
this_array.slug = string_to_slug( title );
this_array.visible = $( this ).children( 'ul' ).is( ':visible' );
this_array.rules = [];
$( this ).children( 'ul' ).children( 'li' ).each( function(i, v) { this_array.rules.push( v.id ); });
// Count rules in this container and display on page
var count = this_array.rules.length;
var items = count == 1 ? 'item' : 'items';
$( this ).children( 'h4' ).children( 'span.group_rule_count' ).html( '<em>(' + count + ' ' + items + ')</em>' );
// Push this container to base array
rb_array.push( this_array );
// Populate hidden input with new user array
$( 'input#userArray' ).val( JSON.stringify( rb_array ) );
function string_to_slug( str ) {
// Trim string and cast to lowercase
str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
str = str.toLowerCase();
// Remove accents, swap ñ for n, etc
var from = "à áäâèéëêìÃïîòóöôùúüûñç·/_,:;";
var to = "aaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuunc------";
for (var i=0, l=from.length ; i<l ; i++) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(from.charAt(i), 'g'), to.charAt(i));
// Remove invalid characters; collapse whitespace and replace with -; collapse dashes
str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9 -]/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '-').replace(/-+/g, '-');
return str;
function initialize_sort() {
// Sort main containers
$( "div#rules_container" ).sortable({
handle: '.drag_handle',
containment: "parent",
stop: function() {
// Sort container rule sets
$( ".rulelist" ).sortable({
connectWith: '.rulelist',
stop: function() {