Inexpensive Switch (on/off)

Howdy fellow HE fans!

I'm looking for an inexpensive on/off switch. There are several areas where I don't need a dimmer.

Found this on Amazon for US $ 14.88 and it says "Smart Things". Seems there is a fair bit of crossover from Smart Things --> HE. Any possibility this works in the HE space?

Thank you much!

I have one of these.

I am not using it anymore but it worked quite well when I did. I use things like that with these cheap remotes.

I purchased like a 24 pack for 30 bucks.

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Thank you much, Hasty1.

Is it simply recognized by HE? Or, is a community driver required.

I'm new enough to be confused by the Sonoff ecosystem. As I have looked up Sonoff, it appeared that flashing Tazmoto is a requirement. My needs are pretty simple so I don't want to mess with the extra steps.

The device you mention is a Zigbee device, so it "just works"?

Thanks again

Another popular basic on/off outlet is the IKEA Tradfri.
Works great with HE generic Zigbee Outlet driver.
Or with the community Generic Zigbee Outlet Zigbee Driver with Presence and Recovery.

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Yes, Most of the Zigbee Sonoff stuff should just works.. They wifi stuff... I would stay away from if new. and not looking for a project.

more info if interested.

I know there were some costom drivers needed for the motion detectors/buttons and other sensors, but I think they are all working with built in drivers now...but I might be wrong.