I see an inconsistent behavior in arming HSM from two different devices. Is this a bug, or something that can be corrected in settings?
When I arm HSM from my Iris V2 Keypad and one or more door sensors are open, the system arms without notifying a failure-to-arm. When I attempt to arm HSM from a dashboard on my iPhone and one or more door sensors are open, the system fails to arm and also sends me a text telling me so. This happens with both Arm-Home and Arm-Away (I do not use Arm-Night).
I am a migrant from Iris. I liked a feature of the Iris system that be active on Hubitat when armed from the keypad: on Iris, if there were open intruder sensors when the system was commanded to arm, the system continued to arm but ignored the state of those sensors. Those sensors could not set-off an intruder alert during that Arm>Disarm cycle. This be happening with Hubitat when it is keyboard-armed. However, it does not happen when dashboard-armed, since there the system refuses to arm until the offending open sensors are closed.
I found disabling the HSM alert on arming failures option allowed it to arm if a contact it was monitoring happened to be open when try to arm from dashboard or presence.
Thx. That did it. I removed the notify-on-failure-to-arm message and phone number and clicked "done". That crashed the hub, which I power-cycled to bring back up. It came up with the failure notification deleted, and from that point I could arm it via a dashboard on the iPhone even with door sensors open. Perfect. Thx for the pointer.
So, there is an undocumented feature of HSM: if you set-up a notify-on-failure-to-arm it also forces the system to not arm (and notify that by text) if there are open sensors, but only if arming using a dashboard. If you do not set-up the failure notification then the system will not fail to arm if there are open sensors. A tad freeky, but now that I have it working how I want I can ignore all that.
No, that is how it is designed to work. That's been discussed on many threads.
But @mike.maxwell, I think we might have another bug in the keypad/HSM territory. It seems that arming from a keypad does not honor the Arm Failure notification like arming from a dashboard does.