In SA, what does "Enable on/off optimization (must be off for Scenes)" mean?



These "optimization" settings are found in a few different apps and generally mean that the app will skip sending a command to a device if the device already appears to be in the state that would result from sending that command. In this case, it won't send an "On" command if the device already reports the "switch" attribute as "on," or similar for "off."

It can cut down on network traffic, which may be helpful in some cases, but it can cause unexpected behavior if devices do not always reliably report their state back to the hub (or, as seen here, for certain devices where on/off isn't always meaningful; I'd assume groups may matter here, too, depending on your settings).


Thanks for responding.

I am not doing groups or scenes or anything, just simple automation.

I just experimented with a Zen34 button fob turning on and off all the lights in the house. Both optimization settings did it in about the same time, 5 seconds. However, one time, with optimization "off", a few lights were missed.

Would having optimization "on" perhaps make the app more reliable?

I'm going to fool around some more to see if it happens again.

Well, I was able to duplicate the effect. Two times, with optimization "off", several switches failed to respond. Worked every time with opto "on". I think I'm going to stick with "on".


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