I'm outta here! (okay, okay... I'm back)

I bet that got your attention! lol

Just wanted to give a heads up that I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks. May check in once in a while but no coding/bug fixes/etc.

... :flight_departure: :airplane: :airplane: :flight_arrival: :palm_tree: :palm_tree: ... :grinning:


Sure had me worried :slight_smile:

Enjoy the break Bryan.

get outta here...for the next two weeks, then come back to us. have fun and stay safe!

I see a Disney tag on that luggage… Are you going to visit Mickey?

Have a great vacation!


My house lights are all flashing goodbye using 'The Flasher'. thanks for all you do.


Have a great time!!!

Safe travels and have a great time!

Have a safe and relaxing vacation. You deserve it.

Have fun!!

I'm BACK! Now I need a break from too much fun in the sun! Hope Mickey enjoys all the money we left for him, lol.

I tried to respond to some of the posts but probably missed a few. Best to bump anything that I missed.



welp, there goes the neighborhood :laughing:

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