Ikea Tradfri pairs but does not respond to commands

Hi - New habitat user here, Ive purchased several ikea tradfri outlets and bulbs to set up with the HE hub. I am able to discover and pair the outlet/bulbs, but once I try to issue any command via the devices screen they are not responding.

I have contacted support but their only response was to move the hub closer to the outlet/bulb, they are currently 5 feet away from the hub,

Has anyone experienced this? Ive included logs below. Thanks!


deviceJoin New ZigBee device joined 2 2019-11-10 11:02:44.488 AM EST
deviceJoin New ZigBee device joined 1 2019-11-07 09:09:34.332 AM EST
systemStart System startup with build: 2019-11-05 02:58:00.097 AM EST

Logs from Hub

sys:12019-11-10 11:03:27.718 am infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-10 11:02:44.481 am infoCreated Zigbee Device Generic Zigbee Bulb

sys:12019-11-10 11:02:38.425 am infoInitializing Zigbee Device 14B457FFFE64E4AF, E4AA

sys:12019-11-10 11:02:27.707 am infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-10 11:02:25.094 am infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-10 11:01:26.911 am infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-10 10:57:39.136 am infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-10 10:56:39.151 am infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-07 09:10:57.493 am infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-07 09:09:57.481 am infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-07 09:09:57.231 am infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-07 09:09:34.318 am infoCreated Zigbee Device Ikea TRADFRI Control Outlet

sys:12019-11-07 09:09:25.719 am infoInitializing Zigbee Device 000D6FFFFEA4D9AF, 0C87

sys:12019-11-07 09:08:57.316 am infoZigbee Discovery Running

Logs from outlet

dev:12019-11-10 09:58:13.474 am infooutlet1 is on [digital]

dev:12019-11-09 03:45:59.649 pm infooutlet1 is on [digital]

dev:12019-11-08 09:33:45.841 pm infooutlet1 is on [digital]

dev:12019-11-08 03:21:30.923 am infooutlet1 is on [digital]

dev:12019-11-07 09:39:33.932 am warndebug logging disabled...

dev:12019-11-07 09:12:13.092 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0000 0006 00 00 0040 00 0C87 00 00 0000 00 00 03FDFF040101190000, profileId:0000, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:0C87, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[03, FD, FF, 04, 01, 01, 19, 00, 00]]

dev:12019-11-07 09:09:35.245 am infoIkea TRADFRI Control Outlet was turned on [digital]

dev:12019-11-07 09:09:35.087 am debugdescMap:[raw:0C870100060A00001001, dni:0C87, endpoint:01, cluster:0006, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:10, command:01, value:01, clusterInt:6, attrInt:0]

dev:12019-11-07 09:09:34.800 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 0C87 00 00 0000 07 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:0C87, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:12019-11-07 09:09:34.569 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 0C87 00 00 0000 00 00 0C00, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:0C87, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[0C, 00]]

dev:12019-11-07 09:09:33.948 am inforefresh...

dev:12019-11-07 09:09:33.745 am warnconfigure...

Logs from bulb

dev:22019-11-10 11:32:44.403 am warndebug logging disabled...

dev:22019-11-10 11:06:18.828 am debugParse: catchall: 0000 0006 00 00 0040 00 E4AA 00 00 0000 00 00 03FDFF040101190000

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.747 am infoGeneric Zigbee Bulb was set to 100%

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.745 am debugevt- rawValue:254, value: 100, descT: Generic Zigbee Bulb was set to 100%

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.724 am debugParse: read attr - raw: E4AA0100080A000020FE, dni: E4AA, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0008, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 20, command: 01, value: FE

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.657 am infoGeneric Zigbee Bulb was turned on

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.654 am debugevt- rawValue:1, value: on, descT: Generic Zigbee Bulb was turned on

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.648 am debugParse: read attr - raw: E4AA0100060A00001001, dni: E4AA, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0006, size: 0A, attrId: 0000, encoding: 10, command: 01, value: 01

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.598 am debugParse: catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0040 00 E4AA 00 00 0000 07 01 00

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:45.293 am debugParse: catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 E4AA 00 00 0000 07 01 00

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:44.942 am debugParse: catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 E4AA 00 00 0000 00 00 7500

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:44.641 am debugParse: catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 E4AA 00 00 0000 00 00 7400

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:44.415 am debugrefresh

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:44.404 am debugConfiguring Reporting

dev:22019-11-10 11:02:44.304 am warnconfigure...

Are you using the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver?

Heres what my device page looks like once the outlet is paired. How can I see which driver to select?

Some have been saying they are having issues with the Trådfri outlet driver. Try changing to the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver and then click Save Device. Click Configure to send the driver parameters to the device.

I'm using the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver and it's been working fine for many months.

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I deleted the device and started over with the log opened on another tab.
I followed your steps to set the generic driver, saved, and hit config. These actions are not showing in the logs.

The device still does not respond

The log shows it was turned on. Can you please show me the entire device details with the current states.

Yes each time I pair the outlet the device is on, when I try to hit the off button nothing happens.

You did click Configure for sure?

Not sure why your state variable shows bin -1

I have no state variable showing on mine (I have two of them). It's loud, so you should hear it click. If it's not responding, then it probably needs a factory reset and then repair. Don't delete it from HE. You don't have to do that when re-pairing a device. It will find it in the paring process and show it as previously joined. This is super helpful once you have Zigbee devices setup in rules. If they fall off the network, you just reset them and join them again, and HE puts them right back into action in your rules.


Please be warned that the bulbs will try to act as repeaters too, but they tend to drop packets and will screw up your Zigbee mesh. Many of us (myself included) use a Hue Bridge with the Hubitat Elevation Hue Integration. This keeps them on their own Zigbee mesh and they play nicely with other Trådfri and Hue bulbs. Seem to be fine with Hue motion sensors and dimmers too.

Some use a second Hubitat Elevation hub and then use HubConnect to share the bulbs and devices on the other hub.

Yes I definitely hit configure after saving the driver. I factory reset and did not delete from HE like you mentioned. It cannot discover the outlet now.

sys:12019-11-11 08:23:22.992 pm infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-11 08:22:22.956 pm infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-11 08:21:39.438 pm infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-11 08:20:39.412 pm infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-11 08:18:41.641 pm infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

sys:12019-11-11 08:17:41.632 pm infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-11 08:16:31.544 pm infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

dev:42019-11-11 08:15:54.125 pm warndebug logging disabled...

sys:12019-11-11 08:15:31.554 pm infoZigbee Discovery Running

sys:12019-11-11 07:46:31.432 pm infoZigbee Discovery Stopped

Try unplugging the outlet for 30 seconds. If that doesn't work, shut the hub down for a minute and then startup again. I find those are kind of a pain to pair sometimes. Last time I needed to re-pair one it took me about 10 tries to get it to pair.

Ill try to turning both off. I purchased a total of 3 outlets, I tried the other 2 and they also show the state variable bin -1 even after the factory reset.

Weird. I'm not sure why that's there. These do work. A lot of us have them as compatible repeaters for Xiaomi devices. I never turn mine off, because I only have them for repeating signals, but when I just tried again, they're working fine.

I'm on an older version of the HE platform on my main hub, but I'll try pairing one to my test hub which is running the latest build to see what happens.

Which version are you on? Is there a page with previous firmwares I can install?

Too far back for you as a new user. I'm on

Something is broken. Neither driver is working in the lastest build. Tagging @mike.maxwell

I'm getting ON and OFF in the logs, but the outlet isn't responding on platform using either the Trådfri Outlet driver or the Generic Zigbee Outlet driver
My other hub running has no issue with it.

[dev:135]( 08:55:51.198 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:55:46.643 pm [warn]( logging is: true

[dev:135]( 08:55:46.640 pm [warn]( logging is: true

[dev:135]( 08:55:46.638 pm [warn]( reporting is: false

[dev:135]( 08:55:46.635 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:55:44.470 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:55:40.033 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:55:16.947 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:55:16.043 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:55:09.508 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:55:09.495 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:55:08.682 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:55:07.437 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:55:06.359 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:54:51.345 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:54:51.318 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:52:13.619 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:52:10.620 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:52:09.910 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:52:07.549 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:52:07.535 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:52:06.840 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:52:06.216 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:52:05.163 pm [trace]( called...

[dev:135]( 08:51:58.835 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:51:58.812 pm [warn](

[dev:135]( 08:51:56.576 pm [warn]( logging is: true

[dev:135]( 08:51:56.572 pm [warn]( logging is: true

[dev:135]( 08:51:56.570 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:51:53.814 pm [info](

[dev:135]( 08:51:53.797 pm [warn](
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Sorry you're having problems with it. Just an uncaught issue. I'm sure a fix will be available soon.

Oh, and Welcome to the Hubitat Community by the way!

Thanks! Ive been going crazy last few weeks trying to figure this out.

We've been focusing on the outlet, but I also want to point out this similar issue with their bulbs.

thanks for the help

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It's been a long time since I paired a Trådfri bulb with HE for the reasons listed above. Tried it once because someone had suggested they were getting good results using them as repeaters. I had just one Trådfri bulb paired and two Trådfri Outlets. That stinking bulb took down half my Zigbee network! As soon as I removed it, everything returned to normal.

So like I said, all Hue and Trådfri bulbs stay on my Hue Bridge. Sengled is the only safe choice for a Zigbee bulb to pair directly to the hub with other Zigbee devices, because they don't repeat signals at all.

I'm running 4 of them on and all 4 are working fine on the tradfi driver (they all have bin -1 ) however 2 are replacements from IKEA as the first 2 I bought initially paired but when I moved home 1 wouldn't join and the other wouldn't power up.

The last 2 and replacements were all received the same week, several weeks after the initial pair were purchased, so it could be a faulty batch hit the market.

Possible, but I've had mine since they were first available and they work fine on the older platform build. I've just tried them on the latest beta build and it is indeed not working correctly.