I have 3 Ikea blinks that I can easily control with Alexa voice, no problem there.
Now my problem comes when Im outside my house and want to control them with my google assistant in my phone, Im not able to do it.
I can see the blinds in the google home app in HE, they are checked but when I add the HE link in google home the blinds wont show, other devices no problem.
Any advice? Am I missing something???
I made a virtual dimmer in HE and connected that to my Google.
And a rule on HE that changes the blinds to the value of the dimmer.
Thanks for the answer, no its when it get complicated for me lol
You could also just use the Alexa app on your phone to control them while you’re away from home.
I understand that and its ok but my lazy head has to go thru ok google open Alexa app then ask Alexa to close or open the blinds which is fine but one more step. Its just my ocd that wants the google assistant to do it, but you are right and thanks for the answer.
Yep, I completely understand. Same reason that I use HomeBridge to make all of my Hubitat devices available within Apple HomeKit's ecosystem.
Google doesn’t play with IKEA blinds, but Alexa does. This was an issue back when I was with ST.