IFTTT Stopped Working

I have a simple trigger in IFTTT when a switch is turned on or off. Was working this morning but stopped before noon. IFTTT status claims no incidents today.

app:1722018-08-30 11:32:02.578:errorpostJsonData Error:[errors:[message:No notifications were found in the request body.]]

So... bumping this up a bit.

Tried to log into the HE Service through IFTTT to add a newly created virtual switch and I receive a message from IFTTT 'Can't Connect to Service'.

Also, my activity log shows that all my recent activity has failed.

Last time I lost remote services a reboot cleared it up.

Nope. Did not work

I can’t get HE and IFTTT to work either. Getting same error.

Mine started working again with no interaction.

Now it is working. Very odd.