Looking for ideas.
They're still useful, but it's hard finding stuff "pawing" around in piled up Chewy's boxes.
For all manner of things (inclu. smart devices), I have several of these in different sizes to accommodate the varied height of shelves. The flip handles are labled so I can - wait for it - actually find things!
As you can see here, one can never have enough bins. Still in the process. . .
Shelves might be in the offing for me, along with the multi size bins.
All of my extra stuff is in cardboard boxes. I found if you label them 'Cleaning Supplies', they become invisible.
Ironically, in that depicted bin there are product boxes from Nest thermo's that are used to further organize the bin contents (screws, batteries, odd parts. . . ).
Absolutely! My main "parts" shelf:
Everything sorted, labelled, everything visible.
Bins are also awesome for moving - tape a destination room name on the top, and unpacking becomes much less of a chore.
A clear binned & labeled, rolling, stainless steel shelf array. . . dreams are made of all of that!
Einsteinian brilliance!!