I need some help please

Ok, is there a way to bind? A switch/button to a specific power plug so if my hub stops, the lights would still have local control. Am I seeing this correctly?


Sorry. C-7 with latest firmware.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

There are ways if the switch and plug use the same protocols. Weโ€™ll need model #s and manufacturer of the devices to provide you the correct details though.


Z-wave or Zigbee?

And this :point_down:

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you'd need to give more details on this. how is it wired? does a dumb switch turn on the light? is it a smart light or a dumb light?

based on the information given though:
for a switch, need more information
for a button, unless it's something like IR or bluetooth communication, the button requires a rule to execute to turn on a light, so that won't work

Alright, I can get more info. I use the sengald bulbs. In my bath, I have 2 grouped together and I installed a Zigbee button to turn them on. The problem i see is every room will be different because different bultons are used. Oh, and on one, I used a Zigbee switch block(wired in box). Let me track down some model numbers.

Ok, master bath.

2 sengeld bulbs
Both bulbs grouped together for control with virtual button.

3 seperate buttons model

Is there a way to bind the switches to the bulbs so they can be controlled by the 3 buttons? (3 buttons is for convience. One outside bath to turn off the lights in the bath. One inside the bath to control the lights, and another by the toilet so I can turn on the lights if they go out).

I imagine if this can be done, then it would be the same procedure to do it with others.


Hi Paul,

I have made some experiments with Zigbee groups : see here, here and the Tuya driver is here. it is a bit tricky to configure Zigbeee Groups direct binding with Tuya devices.

It is much easier when using IKEA devices and Dan's drivers.

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